Graph Methods in Python

pip install coinor.gimpy==1.3.2


GiMPy 2.1


Graph Methods in Python (GiMPy) is a Python graph library containing pure Python implementations of a variety of graph algorithms. The goal is clarity in implementation rather than eficiency. Most methods have an accompanying visualization and are thus appropriate for use in the classroom.

Documentation for the API is here:

Pypi download page is here:

Installation Notes

To install, do

pip install coinor.gimpy

In order for GiMPy to visualize the graphs it produces, it's necessary to install GraphViz (Important: after installing graphviz, you must add the graphviz bin directory, usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin, to your PATH) and choose one of these additional methods for display:

  • Recommended: matplotlib and call `set_display_mode('matplotlib')
  • Python Imaging Library and call set_display_mode('PIL')
  • Call set_display_mode('file') to just write files to disk that have to then be opened manually.

It is also possible to typeset labels in LaTex and to output the graph in LaTex format using dot2tex. After installing dot2tex, this can be done by simply calling the method write(basename='fileName', format='dot'), and then doing dot2tex --tmath or by calling set_display_mode('dot2tex') and then display() as usual. At the moment, the latter only seems to work with version 2.9.0dev available here. For the former method, just using easy_install dot2tex should work fine.

Additional Notes for Windows Installation

  • To install Graphviz, download the installer here. Important: after installing, you must manually add the graphviz bin directory (usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin) to your PATH
  • If you want to use xdot, there are some more requirements:
    • Unfortunately, you must have a 32-bit version of Python 2.7
    • You must install the PyGtk version 2.22.6. Version 2.24 is buggy on Windows.
    • To install gnuplot, download the installer here. Note that the CYGWIN version of gnuplot may not work when called from Python.

Additional Notes for Linux Installation

  • Graphviz can be installed as a package on most Linux distros, e.g., sudo apt-get install graphviz

Additional Notes for OS X Users

  • The situation with Python on OS X is a bit of a mess. It is recommended to install python using homebrew with brew install python).
  • With homebbrew, one can also easily install graphviz (brew install graphviz).


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