
Plone plugin for Facebook's instant articles integration

Python, Plone, facebook, instantarticles
pip install collective.facebook.instantarticles==1.0.1




Plone integration for Facebook Instant Articles.

If you don't know them, instant articles are a new way to publish/read contents in Facebook pages with mobile devices.

There are two ways to populate instant articles: with javascript api or with an RSS feed. This product handle the second option.

For more references, go to official page.


  • Controlpanel to setup a list of FB pages ids
  • Viewlet that expose a meta-tag with the list of ids
  • fb.rss collection view that formats collection results to be parsed by Facebook
  • instant_article view that format single content infos with a set of standards needed by Facebook.


This product has been translated into

  • English
  • Italian


Install collective.facebook.instantarticles by adding it to your buildout:



eggs =

and then running bin/buildout

RSS view

In Facebook page's Instant Articles settings, you need to insert an address where it can retrieve an RSS feed to populate the list of pending articles. This feed needs some custom tags and infos, so we created a specific view for this purpose.

There is a new view registered for Collections: 'fb.rss' that format informations in the correct way, so in Instant Articles config you need to insert an url like this:


instant_article view

The RSS view needs to expose all relevant informations for each result item.

This is done with a view called instant_article that can be called over an object, and returns a formatted html with some generic informations. If you want to expose different informations for a specific content-type, you only need to override this view for the desired content-type.

Instant Articles provides several ways to format texts, images and videos (see the docs), so we register a generic view that covers a simple use-case (documents and news with images for example), but if you need a specific format for your custom content-type, you only need to register an 'instant_article' view for it.



The project is licensed under the GPLv2.


Developed with the support of:

Regione Emilia Romagna supports the PloneGov initiative.