
Wrapper for the Mollie iDeal API

ideal, mollie, plone
pip install collective.mollie==0.3



collective.mollie provides a wrapper for the Mollie iDeal API. This wrapper can be used without any further Plone integration. However, this package also provides:

  • Adapters to store payment information on objects.
  • Browser views which can be used to have Mollie report back.
  • An event which can be subscribed to to be notified when payment status has been updated.


The complete iDeal payment process contains the following steps:

  1. Request the list of banks
  2. Request a payment
  3. Have the customer do the payment
  4. Check the payment
  5. Customer is returning to the site

Request the list of banks

Since the list of banks may change, you always need to retrieve it before you do the payment:

>>> from zope.component import getUtility
>>> from collective.mollie.interfaces import IMollieIdeal
>>> ideal_wrapper = getUtility(IMollieIdeal)
>>> ideal_wrapper.get_banks()
[('0031', 'ABN AMRO'), ...]

If the TESTMODE flag is set, you can retrieve a test bank:

>>> ideal_wrapper.TESTMODE = True
>>> ideal_wrapper.get_banks()
[('9999', 'TBM Bank')]
>>> ideal_wrapper.TESTMODE = False
>>> ideal_wrapper.get_banks()
[('0031', 'ABN AMRO'), ...]

The result of the call is a list of tuples. Each tuple consists of a bank ID and name. The name can be used to present to the customer so he/she can choose which bank to use. The ID is needed in the next step.

Request a payment

When you know which bank will be used to pay, you can request a payment with the API:

>>> ideal_wrapper.request_payment(partner_id='999999',
...     bank_id='9999', amount='123', message='The message',
...     report_url='',
...     return_url='',
...     profile_key='999999')
('123...123', 'http://...')

The result is a transaction_id, and a URL to send the customer to to perform the payment.


The amount of the payment has to be in cents. The message may only be 29 characters (any more characters are ignored). The profile_key parameter is optional. You only need to use it if you want to use a different payment profile than the default for the specified account.

Have the customer do the payment

This package does not handle this step. You should redirect the customer to the URL returned by request_payment, and hope he/she completes the transaction.

Check the payment

Once the report_url (see Request a payment) has been pinged by Mollie, you can check the status of the payment:

>>> ideal_wrapper.check_payment(partner_id='999999',
...                             transaction_id='123...123')
{'transaction_id': '123...123',
 'amount': '123',
 'currency': 'EUR',
 'paid': True,
 'status': 'Success',
 'consumer': {
     'name': 'T. TEST',
     'account': '0123456789',
     'city': 'Testdorp'

When the state is anything other than "Success", there will be no data about the consumer.

Customer is returning to the site

This is where the customer is returned to the return_url. However, this step is not handled by this package. You should use the result from the previous step (Check the payment) to inform the customer and present further actions, where appropriate.

It may happen that the report_url is not yet called and thus the state of the payment is not yet known. Mollie advises to report to the customer that the status is unknown but that the payment will be automatically processed once the status is final.

Plone integration

If you want to integrate iDeal payments in your Plone project, you can use the iDeal wrapper as defined in the MollieIdeal utility which was described above.


However, you can also use one of the adapters defined in the package: MollieIdealPayment and MollieIdealMultiplePayments. By using one of these, information about payments is persistently stored on the adapted objects.

You can adapt any object that implements the IAttributeAnnotatable interface. For instance:

>>> from zope.annotation import IAttributeAnnotatable
>>> from persistent import Persistent
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class IFoo(Interface):
>>>     pass
>>> class Foo(Persistent):
...     implements(IFoo, IAttributeAnnotatable)

If you only want to store a single payment on an object, as is common for a specific purchase, you can use the IMollieIdealPayment interface:

>>> from collective.mollie.interfaces import IMollieIdealPayment
>>> purchase = Foo()
>>> purchase_payment = IMollieIdealPayment(purchase)

Now you can request banks, a payment URL and the payment status:

>>> purchase_payment.get_banks()
[('0031', 'ABN AMRO'), ...]
>>> purchase_payment.get_payment_url(partner_id='999999',
...     bank_id='9999', amount='123', message='The message',
...     report_url='',
...     return_url='',
...     profile_key='999999')
>>> purchase_payment.get_payment_status()

Note that you do not have to repeat the partner_id or transaction_id when requesting the payment status. This information was stored when you requested the payment url and is reused for the get_payment_status call.

As stated earlier, the payment information is stored persistently:

>>> purchase_payment.paid
>>> purchase_payment.amount
>>> purchase_payment.consumer
{'name': 'T. TEST',
 'account': '0123456789',
 'city': 'Testdorp'

In cases where multiple payments need to be stored on a single object, you can use the IMollieIdealMultiplePayments interface. For example if you want to allow multiple people to be able to donate to some charity:

>>> from collective.mollie.interfaces import IMollieIdealMultiplePayments
>>> charity = Foo()
>>> charity_donations = IMollieIdealMultiplePayments(charity)

As was previously the case, you can also request the available banks:

>>> charity_payment.get_banks()
[('0031', 'ABN AMRO'), ...]

When you retrieve a payment URL, you also get a transaction ID:

>>> charity_payment.get_payment_url(partner_id='999999',
...     bank_id='9999', amount='123', message='The message',
...     report_url='',
...     return_url='',
...     profile_key='999999')
('123...', 'http://....')

This transaction ID is required when you want to access the data for a payment:

>>> charity_payment.get_payment_status('123...')
>>> payment = charity_payment.get_transaction('123...')
>>> payment['paid']
>>> payment['amount']
>>> payment['consumer']
{'name': 'T. TEST',
 'account': '0123456789',
 'city': 'Testdorp'

Note that the way to get to the payment information is also a bit different than in the single payment case.

Browser Views

As described in the section Check the payment, you have to wait with checking the payment status until Mollie has pinged the report_url.

You can write your own view, but you can also use one provided by collective.mollie: the ReportPaymentStatusView and ReportMultiplePaymentsStatusView classes. These views checks whether the transaction_id from the request matches one stored on the object. If it does, the payment status of the object is checked immediately.

To use the simple payment view, first register it:


Alternatively you can use the multiple payment report view:


(You probably should only register the view for specific interfaces. And obviously you can give it any name you want.)

Then use <object>/absolute_url/@@report_payment_status as the report_url when requesting the payment URL.


The report views also emit an event: MollieIdealPaymentEvent. So by implementing a subscriber in your own package, you can get a notification if the payment information of an object is updated and for instance change the workflow state of the object to "paid".

You can, for example, register a subscriber in your configure.zcml:


And in

def process_payment(obj, event):
    """Process the payment information."""

Where obj is an instance of Foo and event is the MollieIdealPaymentEvent.

More information

For details about the Mollie iDeal API, see its documentation.


This package is inspired by nfg.ideal.