
Represents a date on a relative format so, instead of '01/02/2012', it would be displayed as '4 hours ago', 'yesterday' or 'last week', which is easier to read and understand for most people.

plone, prettydate, datetime
pip install collective.prettydate==1.2.2



Table of Contents

Life, the Universe, and Everything

Fuzzy dates for Plone.

This package helps developers to solve some usability issues associated with the utilization of absolute date formating on sites used among different timezones.

When a date is printed as "01/02/2012" it could represent "February 1" or "January 2", depending on the format used. Also, if the site is located on a different timezone, it could take you to situations when today's date is printed as yesterday, or tomorrow's date.

collective.prettydate represents a date on a relative format so it would be displayed as "4 hours ago", "yesterday" or "last week", which is easier to read and understand for most people.

This feature is really nice for news sites or sites with upcoming events.

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To enable this product in a buildout-based installation:

  1. Edit your buildout.cfg and add collective.prettydate to the list of eggs to install :

    eggs =

After updating the configuration you need to run ''bin/buildout'', which will take care of updating your system.


This product provides a utility which will convert a DateTime object into a human readable text:

from zope.component import getUtility
from collective.prettydate.interfaces import IPrettyDate
date_utility = getUtility(IPrettyDate)

At this point, you can use the date method to convert the DateTime object:

from DateTime import DateTime
today = DateTime()
str_date =

In previous example, str_date will be "now".

The 'date' method also allows 2 additional parameters: 'short' and 'asdays' which will modify the output to be in short format ('h' instead of 'hours', 'd' instead of 'days', etc) and whole days (it will use 'today' instead of any amount of seconds, minutes or hours for current day). They both default to "False".


If your server timezone is configured correctly, and the DateTime object contains valid timezone info, then the text output will reflect the correct time. You do not need to convert date and time between different timezones.

Output examples

  • '4 hours ago'
  • '4h ago' (short format)
  • 'in 28 minutes'
  • 'in 6 months'
  • 'today'
  • 'last week'
  • 'yesterday'
  • 'last year'

DateTime 3.0

This package is fully compatible with DateTime 3.0 which provides a significantly smaller memory footprint.

Not entirely unlike


An alternative, and probably clever way of dealing with fuzzy dates in Plone. This package registers the timeago JQuery plugin into the resource registry so convertion takes place client-side.