
Execute a user defined shell action after clean checkout

pip install collective.zestreleaser.aftercheckoutaction==0.1.0


.. contents::


collective.zestreleaser.aftercheckoutaction allows to execute any shell action after a clean tag checkout has been done. The command is executed in the context of hte checkout directory. Some variables in the command string can be substituted:

  • name The package name
  • version The package version of the checkout

Commands can be written into ~/.pypirc, the section name must be collective.zestreleaser.aftercheckoutaction. The variable name is used to match the action against a package. For each variable, this plugin compares the package name against the variable name. If the variable name matches the beginning of the package name, the action is executed. If multiple variable name match, the longest variable name wins.

cza is a bit similar to gocept.zestreleaser.customupload. While gza lets you upload the finished egg to a predefined location, cza lets you do something with the clean checkout. Cza is intended to be used if company policy demands that each released version of company code must be committed to a company versioning system, but where the actual development happens somewhere else. You should NOT use this plugin to change something in the checkout, this would result in an egg release that has different contents than what is in the source repository


Add this to your local ~/.pypirc::

collective.zestreleaser.aftercheckoutaction=svn import svn+ssh:// -m "Automatic commit"

This would execute an action for the package collective.zestreleaser.aftercheckoutaction.