A minimal app framework for content sites 🎵

django, python, static, markdown, static-site-generator
pip install coltrane==0.33.0



A Dynamic Site Generator that harnesses the power of Django without the hassle 🎵

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All Contributors

📖 Complete documentation at https://coltrane.readthedocs.io.

📦 Package located at https://pypi.org/project/coltrane/.

⭐ Features

  • Render markdown files as HTML with automatic URL routing based on the filesystem
  • Use JSON files as data sources in HTML templates or markdown
  • Automatic generation of sitemap.xml and rss.xml files
  • Can serve non-markdown files like robots.txt
  • Local development server which includes live re-rendering of markdown and data via https://github.com/adamchainz/django-browser-reload
  • Deployment best practices with whitenoise and gunicorn already configured
  • Leverage the power of built-in Django templates, template tags, and filters inside markdown files
  • Any custom template tags and filters are enabled automatically for use in markdown or HTML templates
  • Include any third-party Django app for additional functionality
  • Optional command to generate static HTML files
  • Able to be integrated into a regular Django project as a standard third-party Django app

⚡ Quick start

  1. mkdir new-site && cd new-site to create a new folder
  2. poetry init --no-interaction --dependency 'coltrane:<1' && poetry install to create a new virtual environment and install the coltrane package
  3. Optional: brew install watchman on MacOS for less resource-intensive local development server
  4. poetry run coltrane create to create the folder structure for a new site
  5. poetry run coltrane play to start local development server
  6. Go to http://localhost:8000 to see the original markdown rendered into HTML
  7. Update content/index.md
  8. Go to http://localhost:8000 to see the updated markdown rendered into HTML
  9. Optional: run poetry run coltrane record to build static HTML files

Generated coltrane file structure

├── .env
├── .gitignore
├── .watchmanconfig
├── __init__.py
├── app.py
├── content
│   └── index.md
├── data
├── Dockerfile
├── gunicorn.conf.py
├── templates
├── poetry.lock
└── pyproject.toml

📝 Content

Add markdown files or sub-directories to the content directory and rendered HTML will be accessible via auto-generated routes.

  • / would render the markdown in content/index.md
  • /about/ would render the markdown in content/about.md
  • /articles/this-is-the-first-article/ would render the content from /content/articles/this-is-the-first-article.md
  • /not-there/ will 404

HTML will also be served automatically if a markdown file can not be found.

  • /app/ would render the HTML from /templates/app.html or /templates/app/index.html
  • /app/some-user would render the HTML from /templates/app/*.html


Example Dockerfile and gunicorn.conf.py files are created when an app is created, and optional dependencies can be installed for efficient static serving with whitenoise.

📖 Documentation

Read all of the documentation at https://coltrane.readthedocs.io.

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):


⚠️ 💻

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!