
Search for data tables.

pip install commasearch==0.0.1


When we search for ordinary written documents, we send words into a search
engine and get pages of words back.

What if we could search for spreadsheets
by sending spreadsheets into a search engine and getting spreadsheets back?
The order of the results would be determined by various specialized statistics;
just as we use PageRank to find relevant hypertext documents, we can develop
other statistics that help us find relevant spreadsheets.
Read more `here <>`_

To index a new spreadsheet, run this. ::

    , --index [csv file]

For example, ::

    , --index /home/tlevine/Math Scores 2009 Copy (1).csv \

Caches from the indexing process are stored in the ``~/.,`` directory.

By default, CSV files that have already been indexed will be skipped; to index
the same CSV file again, run with the ``--force`` or ``-f`` option. ::

    , --index --force [csv file]

Once you have indexed a bunch of CSV files, you can search. ::

    , [csv file]

You'll see a bunch of data tables as results. ::

    $ , 'Math Scores 2009.csv'
    /home/tlevine/Math Scores 2009.csv
    /home/tlevine/Math Scores 2009 Copy (1).csv

To do
Change stuff so that the following is true.

Indexing a file involves storing the file as a list of list of
hashes, where each hash corresponds to a cell, each list to a
column, and each list list to a data table.

Searching involves running a join between an input file and all
of the indexed files. When a search is run, this happens.

* The input file is indexed if it has not alreaby been indexed.
* On the input file, **all** factorial groups of columns of all
  sizes are used as potential join keys.
* On the indexed files, all combinations of columns are used;
  we don't need to use both orderings in this case because the
  different orderings are present in the searched file.
* Results are emitted in the order they are computed; they are
  not sorted.

Other ideas

* Add non-exact column matches so that there can be more matches.
* Store a preview of the table in the db or load it from the cache so that
  the web interface can show the preview.