
A simple map for urls of definitions in notable sources.

pip install conceptese==0.0.1



In order to refer to a concept unambiguously, these days, it is easiest to use URL to a dictionary word online. However, these URLs are long. Using a hash function or compressor like md5, zlib, etc. for URLs are not convenient, because results are not human-readable.


It makes sense to define a specific MAP function, that implements a namespace to refer to all concepts on the web. Mostly, concepts are defined on wikis, so call it - metawiki.

pip install metawiki

>>> from metawiki import (

# INDB (sub-namespace of GitHub)
>>> url_to_name('')

>>> name_to_url('infamily.level')

# Wikidata
>>> url_to_name('')

>>> name_to_url('Q1347367')

>>> url_to_name('')

The reason I use / instead of . for namespacing in each source, is because this makes it usable as keys in the key-value databases, that rely on . for queries.

The general resulting pattern, is, e.g.:


# E.g.
IN:nasa/precession#<some measure>

IN namespace

All wikis of GitHub indb repositories under users and organizations.

(The indb repositories are supposed to contain the definitions all apps of a GitHub organization. Organization may choose to describe their apps using the concepts of some concept vocabulary like WikiData, or define its own concepts and formats associated. If it chooses to make those definitions in the wiki associated with some indb repo, the concepts are accessible via IN namespace of this MAP.)

WD namespace

The Wikidata namespace. All concepts and relations from WikiData.

Feel free to PR, to extend the map.