
Utility (server) to check coverage for the last commit / pull request while running tests on CI.

pip install cover-rage-server==0.0.7


Cover Rage - server

Server for Cover Rage.

  1. Handle checks of test coverage for the last commit / pull request initiated by web-hook on Github / Bitbucket and you CI-server.
  2. Keeps your overall coverage percentage for badge.

All settings should be defined in environment variables. Available settings are:

  • RAGE_SRV_REDIS_HOST - Redis host
  • RAGE_SRV_REDIS_PORT - Redis port
  • RAGE_SRV_REDIS_DB - Redis database
  • RAGE_SRV_SCHEME - http or https
  • RAGE_SRV_HOST - domain name of your Cover Rage server
  • RAGE_SRV_MIN_GOOD_COVERAGE_PERCENTAGE - min good coverage percentage for badge

To add a project you should run run_cli console script:

./ gh|bb <account> <repo> <access token>


  • gh is Github, bb is Bitbucket,
  • account is your account name on Github / Bitbucket
  • repo is your repo name on Github / Bitbucket
  • access token is an API access token from Github / Bitbucket

This command will create a web-hook on Github / Bitbucket and generate you public and private Cover Rage tokens. Use them when you'll configuring your CI-server.

To run server inside Docker container you can use this command:

docker-compose --file docker-compose.yml --project-name cover_rage_server up