
Track some basic covid19 statistics

pip install covid19-counter-richwellum==0.0.1



Simple tool to display information about COVID19 and store and tweet out the details.

Runs on a loop checking the number of Confirmed, Recovered and Deaths and also the percentage died.

All data is pulled from:

User can specify the interval to check, the type of display (for small displays), and display the record of any changes. In addition there's a test option which allows you to enter your own data files, or make modifications.

Data on Deaths, Confirmed cases, Recoveries and Percentage Died are calculated by pulling the CSV files down, and creating pandas df's, summing the data up ofthe last known column, which is also the latest.

Option to Tweet the results - obviously requires a Twitter developer license and creds populated in an file.

This is currently active:

In a seperate terminal the user can see a running history of changes:

Output looks like

    covid19_counter -r

To install on a Mac directly from github clone:

Needed: python3 and the packages (pip3 install): pandas, colorama, termcolor, requests twython:

    brew install python3  #(or sudo apt install python3 etc)
    pip3 install pandas colorama termcolor requests twython

Or install from pypi:

    pip3 install covid19-counter-pkg-richwellum==<version>

Example running:

    RWELLUM-M-C5JH:covid19 rwellum$ covid19_counter -i 400 -h
    usage: [-h] [-i INTERVAL] [-r] [-s] [-f] [-v] [-t]

    Grab and process the latest COVID-19 data

    optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    -i INTERVAL, --interval INTERVAL
                            interval in seconds between retrieving the data again,
                            default one hour(3600s)
    -r, --record          view a record of all changes
    -s, --split           split the display to fit smaller terminals
    -f, --force           bypass safety rails - very dangerous
    -v, --verbose         turn on verbose messages, commands and outputs
    -t, --test            run with a test file

    E.g.: ./ -i 600 -s