Interact with geographical webservices by Informatie Vlaanderen.

AGIV, CAPAKEY, crabpy, pyramid, web, wsgi, address, geospatial, lib, pypi-package, python
pip install crabpy==1.6.1



This library provides access to the CRAB and CAPAKEY webservices operated by the AGIV. Because connecting to these SOAP services from python can be somewhat complicated, this library makes it easier.

docs pypi CI Coverage

Build wheel or sdist

pip install hatch
hatch build
hatch build -t wheel
hatch build -t sdist

Work with pip-compile / pip-sync

full docs:

To start, first install pip-tools:

pip install pip-tools

uv (optional)

You can also use uv and for the remainder of the readme replace pip, pip-compile or pip-sync by uv pip, uv pip compile and uv pip sync.

uv is a very fast replacement for pip-toools. It's optional, but can save a lot of time.

pip install uv

Install requirements: pip-sync

Note, pip-sync also uninstalls everything from the virtualenv which does not belong there according to the requirements file. This includes the project itself. You will have to install crabpy again after pip-sync. Since the requirements file of pip-sync is still a normal requirements file you can also use pip install -r to install all libraries defined in it. This will not cleanup your virtualenv and uninstall other libraries.

The compiled requirements files are made in a 3.11 environment.

pip-sync requirements-dev.txt
pip install -e .

requirements-dev.txt contains all libraries uncluding those for testing and development.

requirements.txt contains only the necessary libraries for running the library.

Update requirements: pip-compile

echo -e "\nStarting"
PIP_COMPILE_ARGS="-q --strip-extras --no-header --resolver=backtracking --no-emit-options pyproject.toml"
pip-compile $PIP_COMPILE_ARGS -o requirements.txt;
echo "requirements.txt done"
pip-compile $PIP_COMPILE_ARGS --extra dev -o requirements-dev.txt;
echo "requirements-dev.txt done"
echo "Finished"