
CLI to access RESTful service

restful, cli
pip install crest==0.0.1


"Curl"REST API Command line client

A generic CLI to access any RESTful service with a little bit of configuration. Think of it as something in between curl and proper CLI.


  • Replace parts of JSON request body while sending the request using simple[index] notation
  • Print only part of JSON response using above described notation
  • History: Previously sent request are stored and can be resent using --last option
  • Templates: Store preset requests of a particular URL and send them using --template option
  • Service config: Store common headers, URL prefix, preset requests of a particular service in config

It has options similar to curl to fetch and provide request body. -d, -H and -d are same as curl. -X is changed to -m. Currently, the tool uses requests to send HTTP requests. In future, it may just be wrapper on top of curl delegating all options to curl.

Sample usage:

With following configuration in ~/.crest/raxid/

tokens_request = {
    "auth": {
config = {
    "name": "raxid",
    "description": "Rackspace Identity Service",
    "uriprefix": "",
    "headers": {
        "accept": "application/json",
        "content-type": "application/json"
    "resources": {
        "tokens/?$": {
            "templates": {"default": tokens_request},
            "aliases": {
                "username": "auth.passwordCredentials.username",
                "password": "auth.passwordCredentials.password",
            "help": "Authenticate via username/password"

one can authenticate to Rackspace Identity Service and extract token using following command:

crest -s raxid tokens -m post -t -r username=myuname -r password=mypwd -o

For more details check usage. NOTE: Be careful as this will store request including password in history


pip install crest
mkdir -p ~/.crest/generic_history  # for --history and --service to work


Thanks to Rackspace for having a culture of hacking on side projects and allowing me to work on this, and having an excellent open source employee contribution policy