
"Classification of neurons segmented from two photon microscopy videos"

pip install croissant-ml==0.0.1b0


CircleCI codecov


The goal of this repo is to create the infrastructure capable of creating a classifier to classify segmented ROIs in two photon microscopy video into Cell/Not Cell. It is currently in active development. The community is welcome to use this repository as an infrastructure to create classifiers for two photon microscopy video.

Level of support

We are not currently supporting this code, but simply releasing it to the community AS IS. We are not able to provide any guarantees of support. The community may submit issues, but you should not expect an active response.


This tool is important for internal use at the Allen Institute. Because it's designed for internal needs, we are not anticipating external contributions. Pull requests may not be accepted if they conflict with our existing plans.

Training Examples

This repo uses mlflow to log model training. mlflow supports a number of backends.

Local file mlflow backend, local execution

specify to mlflow the local file backend.

export MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI=${HOME}/mlflow_example/tracking

also specify a location for the artifacts, and an experiment name

export ARTIFACT_URI=${HOME}/mlflow_example/artifacts
export MYEXPERIMENT=example_experiment

create an experiment

mlflow experiments create \
    --experiment-name ${MYEXPERIMENT} \
    --artifact-location ${ARTIFACT_URI}

An mlflow experiment holds a collection of runs. It needs to be created only once, before the first run. Perform a run, driven by the MLproject file in this repo.

mlflow run ${HOME}/croissant/  \
    --backend local \
    --experiment-name ${MYEXPERIMENT} \
    -P training_data=${HOME}/data/training_data.json \
    -P test_data=${HOME}/data/testing_data.json
    -P log_level=INFO

The local mlflow tracking server can be interfaced with a UI:

mlflow ui --backend-store-uri ${MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI}

AWS-hosted mlflow backend, local processing

establish a vpn connection to the AWS VPC. This example is using openvpn on linux and other examples can be found here. Probably one can fix permissions so sudo is not necessary. The contents of the openvpn config file is provided to the user by an IAM adminsitrator.

sudo openvpn --config .config/openvpn/mlflow_vpn_config.ovpn

These instructions also assume that the user has the AWS Command Line Interface installed and that it can find appropriate credentials. We can then provide mlflow credentials via the AWS secret manager. This assumes the JSON processor jq is installed.

secret=$(aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id $SECRET_NAME --query SecretString --output text) &&  USER=$(echo $secret | jq .username -r) &&   PASSWORD=$(echo $secret | jq .password -r) &&   HOST=$(echo $secret | jq .host -r) &&   PORT=$(echo $secret | jq .port -r) &&   DBNAME=$(echo $secret | jq .dbname -r)

The environment variable for the remote mlflow postgres backend is:


At this point, you can once again launch the mlflow UI, as shown in the local example, with this new ENV variable value. To create an experiment, again, we need to specify where those artifacts are to be stored, and a name for the experiment:

export ARTIFACT_URI=s3://<bucket>/<prefix>
export MYEXPERIMENT=example_aws_experiment

The create experiment and run commands are the same as above. --backend local is telling mlflow to run the processing on the local machine. This repo also supports S3 URIs for the training and test data sources.

AWS-hosted mlflow backend, AWS-hosted processing

The AWS Cloudformation stack described in deploy/cloudformation/mlflow-db-template.yml establishes resources for AWS Fargate tasks. These are mlflow training tasks run in serverless containers via the client command line. The image for the containers is auto-built and deployed to DockerHub with images tagged by git commit hash. The cloudformation stack can be refreshed for a new image tag like:

aws cloudformation deploy \
  --template-file ./deploy/cloudformation/mlflow-db-template.yml \
  --stack-name mlflow-test-stack \
  --parameter-overrides \
  --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

Launching a Fargate task requires knowledge of various AWS resource names, the Mlflow backend URI, and an appropriate Mlflow experiment. The croissant.online_training_helper is here to help:

$ python -m croissant.online_training_helper --stack mlflow-test-stack
INFO:root:ENV variables to use stack mlflow-test-stack

export ONLINE_TRAINING_CLUSTER=mlflow-test-stack-fargate-cluster
export ONLINE_TRAINING_TASK=arn:aws:ecs:us-west-2:606907419058:task-definition/container-task:14
export ONLINE_TRAINING_CONTAINER=croissant-container
export ONLINE_TRAINING_SECURITY=<security group Id>
export MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI=postgresql://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<dbname>

INFO:root:Available experiments with s3 artifact stores:

export MLFLOW_EXPERIMENT=example_aws_experiment

The current production stack is named: croissant-mlflow-prod-stack

The above are suggestions made by the helper. Taking the suggestions and executing these export statements makes running the online training tasks quite simple (though tedious arg-by-arg specification of all the resources is still possible):

python -m croissant.online_training \
  --output_json ./output.json \
  --training_args.training_data s3:// \
  --training_args.test_data s3:// \
  --training_args.log_level INFO

A json can also be used as input to the module to make the launch command easier. It can be helpful when specifying more complex configurations, such as a list of dropped columns or desired metrics. For example:

  "training_args": {
    "training_data": "s3://",
    "test_data": "s3://",
    "log_level": "INFO",
    "scorer": "roc_auc",
    "reported_metrics": ["roc_auc", "average_precision", "recall", "precision", "accuracy"],
    "drop_cols": ["full_genotype", "targeted_structure", "_feat_last_tenth_trace_skew", "_feat_simple_n_spikes",    "_feat_roi_data_skew", "_feat_roi_data_std"],
    "seed": 42,
    "refit": true,
    "max_iter": 2000

See for a full description of the available training arguments.

Once launched, these tasks can be tracked n the AWS console ECS -> Cluster -> Tasks where the cluster name is based on the cloudformation stack name. For example mlflow-test-stack-fargate-cluster . The logs of the job can be found from Cloudwatch -> Logs -> LogGroups and the log group will also be named based on the stack name, for example mlflow-test-stack-ecs .

The container image that is run above is specified at cloudformation stack creation time, or via a stack deployment changeset application. We can also dynamically supply a container image on the command line. This can be helpful for quicker development iteration. In this case, a new task definition for ECS will be created and run, rather than the existing stack-defined task defintion. The additional argument is container_image:

python -m croissant.online_training \
  --output_json ./output.json \
  --training_args.training_data s3:// \
  --training_args.test_data s3:// \
  --training_args.log_level INFO \