
CRUD-structured REST APIs in Python, using Flask, marshmallow, webargs and apispec

pip install crudest==0.12



CRUD-structured REST APIs in Python, using Flask, marshmallow, webargs and apispec.

With crudest you can write your REST API like so:

from flask import Flask
from crudest import RestApi, CreateResource, RetrieveResource, UpdateResource, DeleteResource, \
    extra_args, fields, create_access_token, jwt_required

from models import Cat  # e.g. ndb models
from schemas import SessionSchema, CatSchema, CatActionSchema  # marshmallow schemas

app = Flask(__name__)
api = RestApi(app, title='Cat API', version='v1')

@api.resource('/sessions/<int:session_id>', name='Session', schema=SessionSchema)
class SessionResource(CreateResource):

    @extra_args({'username': fields.Str(required=True), 'password': fields.Str(required=True)})
    def create(self, username, password):
        # check username and password here
        return {'access_token': create_access_token(identity=username)}

@api.resource('/cats/<int:cat_id>', name='Cat', schema=CatSchema)
class CatResource(CreateResource, RetrieveResource, UpdateResource, DeleteResource):

    def create(self, **kwargs):
        cat = Cat(**kwargs)
        return cat

    def list(self):
        return Cat.query()

    def retrieve(self, cat_id):
        # ...

    def update(self, cat_id, **kwargs):
        # ...

    def delete(self, cat_id):
        # ...

@api.resource('/cats/<int:cat_id>/actions/<int:action_id>', name='CatAction', schema=CatActionSchema)
class CatActionResource(CreateResource):

    def create(self, cat_id, **kwargs):
        # ...

All of the necessary REST endpoints get created under the hood and implementing the required methods is enforced using abstract base classes. Also, both the input and output parsing are handled automagically using the provided marshmallow schemas. You even get swagger documentation for free, served on /docs by default using flask-swagger-ui. JWT authentication is based on Flask-JWT-extended.