
Filter HTML with a CSS query.

pip install cssq==0.0.1



Filter HTML with a CSS query. Because regular expressions on HTML output is never good. And one-liner scraping is awesome.

You can pass standard input or you can use a URI in the arguments to cssq. Note however it is probably in most cases to copy a curl or similar command and pipe to cssq to let cURL handle all the heavy lifting (cookies, data, request method, etc).

If you pass a URI to cssq the request is made via GET method and nothing beyond this is supported such as authentication or cookies.



pip install cssq

Clone the repository

Note: please use a virtualenv.

git clone git://github.com:Tatsh/cssq.git
cd cssq
# Get beautifulsoup4>=4.3.2
# Get requests>=2.4.1
# Get html5lib>=0.999
python setup.py install

If you want to use pip for all this manually:

pip install -e .


Use a URL

cssq 'http://www.google.com' 'style'

Output (truncated):

<style>#gbar,#guser{font-size:13px;padding-top:1px !important;}#gbar{height:22px}#guser{p...

Note that if only one matching element is found, that element is printed (index 0). If more than one element is found, a set of strings is printed in JSON format.

If JSON is printed, you may want to consider piping to jq for even more complex filtering. Example getting the first element:

cssq 'https://stackoverflow.com/' 'li' | jq .[0]

Output (truncated):

"<li>\n                        <div class=\"related-links\">..."

Piping from cURL

You may want to do this to get your content as opposed to the general anonymous user. For example, your favourites list on YouTube.

To do this easily in Chrome, open the Developer Tools then view the Network tab. Go to your Favourites page and then under the list of downloaded items the first item should be the page itself. You can right-click this item and choose Copy as cURL (note the command may be long. Then paste that into your terminal and pipe it to cssq. You will see a set of <a> tags, JSON encoded.

curl 'https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=****' \
    -H 'pragma: no-cache' \
    -H 'dnt: 1' \
    ...  | cssq '#pl-video-table .pl-video-title-link'