
Find and replace command line tool

templating, configparse
pip install ctrshif==0.0.2



ctrshif stands for ctrl+shift+f (find and replace)


usage: ctrshif.py [-h] --section SECTION --values-file VALUES_FILE
                  (--template-file TEMPLATE_FILE | --template-list TEMPLATE_LIST)
                  [--prefix-delimiter PREFIX_DELIMITER]
                  [--suffix-delimiter SUFFIX_DELIMITER] [--no-delimiters]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --section SECTION     the section of your .ini values file
  --values-file VALUES_FILE
                        the location of your .ini values file
  --template-file TEMPLATE_FILE
                        file which will be rendered
  --template-list TEMPLATE_LIST
                        file containing a list of files which will be rendered
  --prefix-delimiter PREFIX_DELIMITER
                        templating prefix delimiter, default: <%=
  --suffix-delimiter SUFFIX_DELIMITER
                        templating suffix delimiter, default: %>
  --no-delimiters       no delimiters, only find and replace
  --dry-run             outputs in the terminal instead of writing to file


Print to stdout (--dry-run) the replacement of all occurences found in data.xml with values from the section [production] within values.ini, delimiters are always assumed to be <%= and %> unless otherwise specified:

./ctrshif.py --section=production --values=values.ini --template=data.xml --dry-run

Replace (write to file) all occurences found in each file (separeted by line) from list_of_files.txt with values from section [production] within values.ini:

./ctrshif.py --section=production --values=values.ini --template-list=list_of_files.txt

Replace (write to file) all occurences found in users.json with values from section [acceptance] within values.ini surrounded by the delimiters {{ and }}:

./ctrshif.py --section=acceptance --values=values.ini --template=users.json --prefix-delimiter="{{" --suffix-delimiter="}}"

Replace (write to file) all occurences found in script.sh with values from section [default] within bash.ini, without delimiters (word replacement):

./ctrshif.py --section=default --values=bash.ini --template=script.sh --no-delimiters

Values file

The values file follow .ini format, and needs at least one section defined between brackets, ex: [section].

node_hostname = acc-foobar.org
node_ipaddr = 192.168.0
node_path = /var/log/syslog
node_timeout = 120

node_hostname = dev-foobar.org
node_ipaddr = 192.169.0
node_path = /var/log/syslog
node_timeout = 120