
pip install curatedmetagenomicspipeline==0.0.4


Project management

See zenhub project management across this and related repos.

Pipeline project overview

Here is a high-level slide deck

See the wiki for full setup and execution instructions.

What is here

MetaPhlan3 + HUMAnN3 + StrainPhlAn + sratoolkit Docker+Singularity images

DockerHub SingularityHub

(see docker directory for Dockerfile and link to Dockerhub). - Instructions to run are kept in a wiki. - There is still work to be done turning bash scripts into a Python package with improved documentation, arguments, and versioning.

sratoolkit-only Docker+Singularity images

DockerHub SingularityHub

(see docker directory, but this is also included in the above all-in-one image.

a PyPi project for the curatedmetagenomics pipeline

See the python_pipeline directory