
A simple command line program to translate a CSV containing customer contact information to Google's Customer Match format.

google, customer, match, csv
pip install customer-match-translator==1.0.2


Customer Match Translator

A simple command line program to translate a CSV containing customer contact information to Google's Customer Match data format. Written using Python 3. Has options to allow for hashing of the data before exporting it to a CSV.


Clone repository:

git clone
cd customer-match-tool

Install required packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Allow execution of the file (Linux/macOS only)

chmod +x

Run the program on a CSV file:

./ ./file.csv          # Linux/macOS
python3 ./ ./file.csv  # All other OS

File Requirements

The CSV file must have field types that map to these required Google fields:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Country
  • Zip

If a field type is not automatically picked up but exists in the CSV, add it to the translations dictionary.


Option Description Default
-o, --output (path) Specify a path for the resulting CSV file. result.csv
--hash Flag to hash every element in the file using sha256
--help Display the help message.
--format Flag to format the resulting CSV as it would be formatted before hashing. Will lowercase all strings, strip them of whitespace, convert the country column to ISO2 format, and convert the phone number to E.164 format.


The program will automatically match snake case field types to their Google alternatives. For example, if a field name in the header of your CSV file is first_name, it will match against the Google field First Name.

To add manual translations, edit the translation dictionary located in

    "email1": "Email",
    "phone1": "Phone",
    "person_country": "Country",
    "custom_email_field_name": "Email",

Be sure that the translated value is a valid field type. The valid field types are below:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Country
  • Zip
  • Mobile Device ID