A diagnostic bundle analyzer for D2iQ products

pip install d2yabt==1.0.5


d2yabt (Yet Another Bundle Tool) is used to analyze DC/OS diagnostic bundles, DC/OS service diagnostic bundles, and Konvoy diagnostic bundles. It performs many of the same functions as Andrey Dyatlov's bun and Dustin Nemes' dcosqj. Essentially it does two things:

  1. Decompresses the bundle and the files within it
  2. Reads JSON and log files to find common problems and warns about them

d2yabt is neither supported nor endorsed by D2iQ.

To install

d2yabt is on PyPI so install it via pip:

pip3 install d2yabt

You could use the Docker image if you prefer:

docker run --rm -it -v path/to/bundle:/mnt/bundle jwhitemeso/d2yabt:latest bash

To run

d2yabt's executable is yabt. Run it with a bundle as the argument and d2yabt will extract the bundle to the current working directory and move the bundle file to the current directory:

yabt path/to/bundle.zip

d2yabt can also be used on an extracted bundle. Either give it the path to the bundle directory as an argument or cd into it and run yabt with no arguments:

cd path/to/bundle

Note that pip will install d2yabt to wherever your user base is set to. You'll need to add its bin directory to your PATH:

export PATH="$PATH:$(python3 -m site --user-base)/bin"

Manual install (via git)

First, you'll need to install d2yabt's dependencies:

pip3 install pandas

Next, clone the repo:

git clone git@github.com:jeffwhite530/d2yabt.git

Finally, adjust PYTHONPATH so Python can find the library. Assuming d2yabt is in your home directory, run it like so:

PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:~/d2yabt/lib ~/d2yabt/bin/yabt path/to/bundle.zip

To add checks

d2yabt was designed to be easy to extended and have a simple to understand architecture. Each supported bundle type is broken into its own namespace:

DC/OS --> d2yabt.dcos
Service --> d2yabt.service
Konvoy --> d2yabt.konvoy

Each of those has a "check" library where health checks are defined. These map to the following files:

d2yabt.dcos.check --> lib/d2yabt/dcos/check.py
d2yabt.service.check --> lib/d2yabt/service/check.py
d2yabt.konvoy.check --> lib/d2yabt/konvoy/check.py

To add a check, add a function to the appropriate check.py file. Have that function do anything you want (search a log file, parse a JSON/YAML file, etc.). Then simply add a call to that function in bin/yabt in the section labeled '# Health checks'.