
A library focused on faking data

graph, data
pip install datagod==0.2.2


Data God

A Open Source program focused on faking data, you can use it when you need some fitting graph, inspired by MCM.


pip install datagod


For example, you give me a function such as f(x) = x, the code is:

from datagod import *
def main():
    testcase = DataGodBuilder()
    .setTermList([0, 1])\

The program will return a graph:


The module get a input such as a polynomial function. first, the program will fake some data around the function, and fit a curve using the faked data. So finally, you will get a graph, and some info about the fitting curve. In this case, the info is:

Info: coff: [-0.03219724  0.99218986]
Info: residuals: [ 6.13295169]
Info: rank: 2
Info: singular_values: [ 1.  1.]
Info: rcond: 1.11022302463e-14


Every thing begins with DataGodBuilder class, so you need to get a DataGodBuilder, and there are some common config:

  • setLowRange(x1: float) and setHighRange(x2: float) are used to set the domain of the graph, [x1, x2]. default is [0, 10]


A polynomial in a single indeterminate can be written in the form: p[0] * 1 + p[1] * x + p[2] * x ** 2 + ... + p[n] * x ** n, so if get the list of terms p, then can get the polynomial.

  • setType(GraphType.getPolynomialType()) is needed to tell the builder that it need to build a graph about Polynomial.
  • setTermList(termlist: float List) is needed to tell the builder the coefficients, in order of increasing degree, i.e., [1, 2, 3] give 1 + 2x + 3x**2.


A Logarithm can be written in the form: term * log(base)[x] + intercept, so tell me the term, base and intercept, I will know the log functon.

  • setLogTerm(term: float)
  • setBase(base: float)
  • setIntercept(intercept: float)

Notice: 0 in domain is bad.

To be continued


  1. numpy
  2. matplotlib
  3. scipy