A simple data workflow runner that helps you write better ETL scripts using reusable code pieces.

run, call, code, workflow, etl, extract, transform, load
pip install datarunner==1.1.4



A simple data workflow runner that helps you write better ETL scripts using reusable code pieces.

Quick Start Tutorial

Install using pip:

pip install datarunner

Then write a few steps (functions, classes, etc) that can be called, pass to datarunner.Workflow, and call run():

from datarunner import Workflow, Step

def setup():
    print('Ready to go!')

def extract():
    return 'data'

def transform(data):
    return data + ' using reusable code pieces, like Lego.'

class Load(Step):
    """ Sub-class Step to customize the callable """
    def __init__(self, destination):
        self.destination = destination

    def __str__(self):
        return f'Load("{self.destination}")'

    def run(self, data):
        print(f'Loading {data}')

flow = Workflow(setup,
                table_name1=[extract, transform, Load('example')])

It produces the following output:

Ready to go!

>> transform
>> Load("example")
Loading data using reusable code pieces, like Lego.

We can also use >> operator to convey the same flow:

flow = (Workflow()
        >> setup

        << 'table_name1'
        >> extract >> transform >> Load('example'))

To make the workflow more flexible (e.g. write to different dataset), use templates to provide some values at run time:

class Load(Step):
    TEMPLATE_ATTRS = ['destination']

    """ Sub-class Step to customize the callable """
    def __init__(self, destination):
        self.destination = destination

    def __str__(self):
        return f'Load("{self.destination}")'

    def run(self, data):
        print(f'Loading {data}')

flow = Workflow() >> extract >> transform >> Load('{dataset}.table_name1')

It produces the following output:

>> transform
>> Load("staging.table_name1")
Loading data using reusable code pieces, like Lego.

And finally, to test the workflow:

def test_flow():
   assert """\
>> transform
>> Load("{dataset}.table_name1")""" == str(flow)

Workflow Layout

A recommended file layout for your ETL package:

my_package/steps/__init__.py            # Generic / common steps
my_package/steps/bigquery.py            # Group of steps for a specific service, like BigQuery.
my_package/datasource1.py               # ETL workflow for a single data source with steps specifc for the source
my_package/datasource2.py               # ETL workflow for another data source

Inside of datasource*.py, it should define flow = Workflow(...), but not run. From your ETL script, it should call flow.run() to run the workflow. This ensures the workflow is properly constructed when imported and can be used for testing without running it.

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