
Tool for manipulating date strings

pip install date-format-machine==0.5


date format machine - dfm

  • dfm Date Format Machine, tool for converting a collection of known timestamps and date formats

dfm --list to show list of known timestamps and formats.

key        type                 example                             note                              action
---------  -------------------  ----------------------------------  --------------------------------  -------------------
unix       unix timestamp       1495029745                          seconds since Jan 1 1970          unix_timestamp
apple      apple timestamp      3577874657                          seconds since Jan 1 1904          apple_timestamp
microsoft  microsoft timestamp  42872.58630787                      days since Dec 30 1899            microsoft_timestamp
filetime   filetime             ?                                   100-nanoseconds since Jan 1 1601  filetime_timestamp
atom       atom                 1975-12-25T14:15:16-05:00                                             pendulum
cookie     cookie               Thursday, 25-Dec-1975 14:15:16 EST                                    pendulum
8601       ISO 8601             1975-12-25T14:15:16-0500                                              pendulum
822        RFC 822              Thu, 25 Dec 75 14:15:16 -0500                                         pendulum
850        RFC 850              Thursday, 25-Dec-75 14:15:16 EST                                      pendulum
1036       RFC 1036             Thu, 25 Dec 75 14:15:16 -0500                                         pendulum
1123       RFC 1123             Thu, 25 Dec 1975 14:15:16 -0500                                       pendulum
2822       RFC 2822             Thu, 25 Dec 1975 14:15:16 -0500                                       pendulum
3339       RFC 3339             1975-12-25T14:15:16-05:00                                             pendulum
rss        rss                  Thu, 25 Dec 1975 14:15:16 -0500                                       pendulum
w3c        w3c                  1975-12-25T14:15:16-05:00                                             pendulum


dfm 1496173001 --type unix --out cookie
Tuesday, 30-May-2017 19:36:41 GMT

dfm 15:23:45 --out unix