
Provides data from http://www.ocf.dc.gov/serv/download.asp in a nicer way

pip install dc-campaign-finance-scrapers==0.5.1




$ pip install dc-campaign-finance-scraper
Downloading/unpacking dc-campaign-finance-scraper

CLI Usage

The easiest way to get data out from the scraper is to use the CLI. Once you it installed, you should be able to run the dc-campaign-finance-scraper command

$ dc-campaign-finance-scraper --help
Usage: dc-campaign-finance-scraper [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --log / --no-log                Print log of all HTTP requests  [default:
  --persistant-cache / --in-memory-cache
                                  Cache all responses to a file.  [default:
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

  cache_file      Prints the path of the persistant cache.
  clear_cache     Clear persistant cache
  committees_dup  Checks to see if any committees are duplicated in multiple
  offices         Offices that are contested
  records         List of records
  years           Available Election Years

To get a list of records of all contributions or expenditures, use the records subcommand.

$ Usage: dc-campaign-finance-scraper records [OPTIONS]

  A list all transactions for all campaigns, between FROM-DATE and TO-DATE.

  Also, if specified, only those for the elction in ELECTION-YEAR and
  running for the office OFFICE.

  Either the expenses of the campaign or the contributions of the campaign,
  based on REPORT-TYPE.

  --office [Mayor|Council Chairman|Council At-Large|Council Ward 1|Council Ward 2|Council Ward 3|Council Ward 4|Council Ward 5|Council Ward 6|Council Ward 7|Council Ward 8|US Representative|Democratic National Committeeman|Democratic National Committeewoman|Alternate Democratic National Committeeman|Alternate Democratic National Committeewoman|At-Large DC Democratic State Committee|Ward 1 DC Democratic State Committee |Ward 2 DC Democratic State Committee|Ward 3 DC Democratic State Committee|Ward 4 DC Democratic State Committee|Ward 5 DC Democratic State Committee|Ward 6 DC Democratic State Committee|Ward 7 DC Democratic State Committee|Ward 8 DC Democratic State Committee|Democratic Delegates|Democratic Delegates Alternates|Republican Delegates|Republican Delegates Alternates|Republican National Committeeman|Republican National Committeewoman|At-Large DC Republican Committee Official|Ward 1 of the DC Republican Committee|Ward 2 of the DC Republican Committee|Ward 3 of the DC Republican Committee|Ward 4 of the DC Republican Committee|Ward 5 of the DC Republican Committee|Ward 6 of the DC Republican Committee|Ward 7 of the DC Republican Committee|Ward 8 of the DC Republican Committee|Other Political Party|Non Supporting|Supporting|US Senator|School Board Ward 1|School Board Ward 2|School Board Ward 3|School Board Ward 4|School Board Ward 5|School Board Ward 6|School Board Ward 7|School Board Ward 8|School Board At-Large|Attorney General]
  --election-year INTEGER RANGE
  --report-type [exp|con]         exp -> expenses, con -> contributions
                                  [default: con]
  --from-date TEXT                First date of records.  [default:
  --to-date TEXT                  Last date of records. Future dates are
                                  allowed.  [default: 01/01/9999]
  --format [json|xls|yaml|csv|tsv|html|xlsx|ods]
                                  Format of out output.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Although the records command can be run without any arguments, this will return every record in the system, and will take a long time.

If you don't specify a format it will default to a text based table like output.

However, for something more interesting, let's try finding all the mayoral donation in 2014, for the election in 2014.

$ dc-campaign-finance-scraper records --office Mayor --election-year 2014 --from-date 01/01/2014 --to-date 01/01/2015
Committee Name                            |Candidate Name |Contributor                                  |Address                                 |city                        |state|Zip  |Contributor Type       |Contribution Type|Employer Name                                     |Employer Address                                                 |Amount     |Date of Receipt|Office|Election Year
Bruce Majors, Libertarian for Mayor       |Bruce Majors   |Rufer, Chris                                 |724 Main                                |Woodland                    |CA   |95695|Individual             |Check            |Retired                                           | CA                                                              |$2,000.00  |3/3/2014       |Mayor |2014
Bruce Majors, Libertarian for Mayor       |Bruce Majors   |Majors, Mary                                 |11 Redbud                               |Shelbyville                 |TN   |37160|Individual             |Check            |Retired                                           | TN                                                              |$300.00    |2/27/2014      |Mayor |2014
Bruce Majors, Libertarian for Mayor       |Bruce Majors   |Majors, Bruce                                |1200 23rd Street, NW. #711              |Washington                  |DC   |20037|Candidate              |Check            |                                                  |                                                                 |$1,500.00  |3/1/2014       |Mayor |2014
Bruce Majors, Libertarian for Mayor       |Bruce Majors   |Snead, Edward                                |111 redbud                              |Georgetown                  |TX   |67676|Individual             |Check            |                                                  |                                                                 |$1,000.00  |4/8/2014       |Mayor |2014
Bruce Majors, Libertarian for Mayor       |Bruce Majors   |Delhomme, Laura                              |1515 North Couthouse                    |Arlington                   |VA   |22203|Individual             |Check            |CKI                                               | 1515 North Couthouse, VA 22201                                  |$150.00    |6/7/2014       |Mayor |2014
Bruce Majors, Libertarian for Mayor       |Bruce Majors   |Palmer, Tom                                  |1735                                    |17th Street NW              |DC   |20009|Individual             |CASH             |Atlas Foundation                                  | 1201 L Street NW, Washington, DC 20005                          |$25.00     |6/8/2014       |Mayor |2014
Bruce Majors, Libertarian for Mayor       |Bruce Majors   |Majors, Bruce                                |1200 23rd Street, NW. #711              |Washington                  |DC   |20037|Candidate              |Check            |                                                  |                                                                 |$500.00    |6/1/2014       |Mayor |2014
Carlos Allen For Mayor                    |Carlos Allen   |Sewell, Anthony                              |507 Louise Avenue                       |Linthicum Heights           |MD   |21090|Individual             |Credit Card      |                                                  |                                                                 |$100.00    |2/5/2014       |Mayor |2014
Carlos Allen For Mayor                    |Carlos Allen   |Brooks, Karen                                |9709 Manteo Ct                          |Ft Washington               |MD   |20744|Individual             |Credit Card      |                                                  |                                                                 |$15.00     |2/25/2014      |Mayor |2014
Carlos Allen For Mayor                    |Carlos Allen   |Alsbrook, Darrell                            |2470                                    |LakeMeadow Ln               |GA   |30017|Individual             |Credit Card      |                                                  |                                                                 |$20.00     |3/4/2014       |Mayor |2014

Notice Behind the scenes, all the records between the from-date and to-date are requested from the server, and only filtered locally. Also, because office and election year are not included in the source record set, it is neccesary to try to guess them from the committee name and date of donation. What this ends up meaning is that a whole lot of HTTP requests must happen if you request the whole date range, which will in turn, take a while.

Also, to get all the possible years, in which data office data is available, use years

$ dc-campaign-finance-scraper years

And then to see all the possible offices, use offices

dc-campaign-finance-scraper offices --help
Usage: dc-campaign-finance-scraper offices [OPTIONS]

  A list of all the offices that are contested, in a certain ELECTION-YEAR.
  If no ELECTION-YEAR provided, returns all the offices.

  Returns each office on a new line.

  --election-year INTEGER RANGE
  --help                         Show this message and exit.

API Usage

Feel free to access the pythonn api. Take a look at the functions in dc_campaign_finance-scraper/scraper.py.

If you want to use the permenant, file based cache, call dc_campaign_finance_scraper.cache.use_persistant_cache() before calling any scraper functions. To clear the cache use dc_campaign_finance_scraper.cache.clear_persistant_cache()

Release instructions

  1. pip install -e . to make sure it works
  2. Bump version in ./setup.py
  3. Commit and create tag for version prefixed with "v"
  4. Push to Github and if Travis CI passes, it will deploy

Developing locally with Docker

fig build python
fig run fig run python dc-campaign-finance-scraper --help
fig run fig run python test

How did I do it?

Manual Process

  1. Go to www.ocf.dc.gov/serv/download.asp Screenshot of unfilled in serv/download.asp
  2. Fill in From Date, To Date, and Payment Type. Screenshot of filled in serv/download.asp
  3. Click Submit and it sends a POST to www.ocf.dc.gov/serv/download.asp and displays the entered form. Screenshot of submitted form
  4. Click Click here to download the CSV File and it sends a POST to www.ocf.dc.gov/serv/download_conexp.asp
  5. Returns POST with CSV text.



At first I tried using Selenium with Python to fill in the forms and click the buttons. This will actually run a real(ish) browser and execute all the the JS and simulate user input. This worked, but it couldn't really handle the returned CSV text from step 5. In a browser this opens in a new window and downloads to your computer, but the PhantomJS driver for Selenium and Python wasn't really working for that new window. I might have been able to get it to work eventually, but it prompted me to search for a different approach.


I then started experimenting with Requests for Python to just call the to just make the actual HTTP calls, instead of pretending to be a human and filling in the form. This was 1) faster 2) less verbose 3) easier to understand.

Chrome Dev Tools

I fired up my Chrome Dev Tools and looked at what requests were being made. So I tried to figure out in step 4, what request was actually being sent, so that I could replay it programatically. However, since that opened in a new window, the Dev Tools didn't save the request. GIF of clicking on download button and it downloading in chrome It isn't possible with chrome to open a new window with Dev Tools already open.

Chrome Net Internals

I then tried chrome://net-internals/#events to see the actual HTTP request being processed. I could see it was sending a POST to/serv/download_conexp.asp and the returned CSV. However it didn't show the POST data or the cookies. chrome net internals events showing POST


For that I found Charles (brew cask install charles) which provides a HTTP proxy to run your web traffic through and then you can inspect every request.


I checked the POST headers for the request and tried making it myself. I got a response of

    <script language="javascript">
        alert("Your Session is expired. Please try again");

I found that it was setting a cookie when I requested /serv/download.asp. I first tried it with a cookie I got from the browser and IT WORKED! I got back the CSV.

So I began using Requests Sessions to first GET at /serv/download.asp to get a session cookie and then POST to /serv/download_conexp.asp with that cookie. That didn't work, I got the Your Session is expired. Please try again response. So then I tried doing step 3, sending a POST to /serv/download.asp and then the identical post to /serve/download_conexp.asp, thinking maybe the server checked to see if I submitted the form before letting me download. It worked! However the next day when I tried again I go the Your Session is expired. Please try again. Very weird. I tried getting a cookie from the my chrome session and using that and it forked. So something about how I get my session on chrome is different from how I get my session on Requests. I needed to figure out what the difference was.

Then I tried it again and it worked. So who knows. Maybe their site is weird.