
Encoding tools for DDHI

pip install ddhi-encoder==1.3.0


A collection of command-line utilities to assist in the creation of TEI-encoded oral history interviews for the Dartmouth Digital History Initiative.


Use pip to install this package:

pip install ddhi-encoder

To peform named-entity tagging with ddhi_tag, you will need a Spacy model. Before running ddhi_tag, install Spacy's small English model:

python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm

See the Spacy documentation for more information.


Use ddhi_convert to transform a DOCX-encoded transcription into a simply structured TEI document.

ddhi_convert ~/Desktop/transcripts/zien_jimmy_transcript_final.docx -o tmp.tei.xml

Use ddhi_tag to add named-entity tags to a TEI-encoded transcription:

ddhi_tag -o zien.tei.xml tmp.tei.xml

Encoders are then expected to edit the text of the interview, correcting automatically generated named-entity tags and adding new ones.

Use ddhi_generate_standoff to create a <standOff> element in the interview and link the entities to names in the text.

Use ddhi_mentioned_places to extract the places in a TEI file's standoff markup and print it as tab-separated values:

ddhi_mentioned_places lovely.tei.xml > lovely.tsv

Then use OpenRefine or another tool to refine this list with identifiers and other metadata.

Use ddhi_update_places to update the places in a TEI file's standoff markup with identifiers and geo-coordinates obtained via OpenRefine or other procedure:

ddhi_update_places lovely.tei.xml lovely_updates.tsv >

Similarly, use ddhi_mentioned_events and ddhi_update_events to perform the same operations for events.