
Translate ASCII text into readable non-ASCII text

pip install deasciiify==0.0.2



Translate ASCII text into readable non-ASCII text

Use deasciiify to translate ASCII text into readable non-ASCII text. It was created for the purpose of test data generation to detect unicode bugs and to use as a fake language on a webpage to simulate how foreign languages can break webpage layouts and whatnot. The output is deterministic to make automated testing easier.


$ pip install deasciiify


>>> from deasciiify import deasciiify
>>> print(deasciiify('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.'))
Ṱḥẹ ʠǚîĉʞ ɓṙōẇṇ ᶂø× ǰúṁᶈș óʋᶒṝ ᵵĥĕ ȴạᵶý ḍọḡ.

>>> # elongate by 50%
>>> print(deasciiify('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.',
...                  elongate=0.5))
𝕋ȟẹ ʠůḭċḱ ᵬṙồẁñ ḟḟᶂᵮợẋᶍ ǰưḿṁᵱṣᵴṣ ǫṽếṛᵳ ṭħȇ ɫäǎąẩžɀẓẑẕᶎᶎẓẓỹÿŷӮ ḋöᵷ.

>>> # elongate by 100 characters
>>> print(deasciiify('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.',
...                  elongate=100))
Ʈɦẻ ʠűȋḉƙḱᶄḵḳķʞǩƙḱᶄḵḳ ƀᶉŏẁἦ ƒḟḟᶂḟƒởᶍ×ẍẋᶍ ĵứȗửǔǚṷȕǜûủũṳṹữụṻưṃɱḿṁḿɱḿṁᶈşᵴșŝș
ȫṽḙɽᵳɾŕŕŗȓṙɼᵳȑᵳɽȓȑᶉᵳᶉ ƭẖė ℓἂậẳẩầạẳἇầǡᶏạᶏƶžźƶȥᶎẑᵶżȥᶎẑᶎγƴẏӲӰýỳŷẏγẏỳ ᶑốǥ.

>>> # preserve HTML, entities, and gettext params
>>> print(deasciiify(
...     'The <em>quick</em> <strong style="color:brown;">brown</strong> '
...     'fox %(verb)s over the &ldquo;lazy&rdquo; %s.'))
Ṯȟè <em>ʠúᶖćḵ</em> <strong style="color:brown;">ḃᵲóẅἢ</strong> ḟọẍ %(verb)s
ȏʋềŕ ṱȟḝ &ldquo;ḽӓżӮ&rdquo; %s.