
Interactive terminal for inspecting the running state of a python program

pip install debugme==1.8


Interactive debugger, but different

Python has a great debugger in pdb, but sometimes you only want to inspect and buck about with the state. The pdb REPL is a bit inconvenient for that, so here's a different approach. Instead of

import pdb

Just do

import debugme

This starts an interactive interpreter and exits the program when the interpreter ends. If you want to continue, run this in that interpreter

debugme.exit = False

The variables available in the interactive interpreter are the locals and globals of the frame you imported debugme from.

The debugme object has a few more attributes:

debugme.frame The stack frame that was executing at the time of import debugme.traceback A formatted traceback of the current callstack debugme.exc_info If debugme was imported from sys.excepthook, this will be set to the uncaught exception debugme.back Starts a new interactive interpreter the calling frame

To start a debugme shell automatically when an uncaught exception would terminate your application, you can install an excepthook as follows:

import sys
def excepthook(tp, val, tb):
    sys.__excepthook__(tp, val, tb)
    import debugme
sys.excepthook = excepthook