
Converts from decimal to binary

pip install dec2bin==1.0.4



Source code of the dec2bin Python function. This function immediately converts any decimal number(int or float) to its binary form.

INSTALLATION: To install the dec2bin module just run 'pip install dec2bin'(without quotes) on your OS Shell (terminal). You can also install the module straight from the source code. Just go to the dist directory and choose which package suits you best. If you choose the Windows Installer just follow the steps provided, make sure to choose the correct Python installation and then the dec2bin module will be installed on the desired Python installation. If you choose either the .zip package or the .tar.gz package, just extract the files from the package, go to the new dec2bin directory and on the Shell run 'python install' (without quotes).

ATTENTION: Notice that installing the module from source code by running 'python install' is going to install the module only on your default Python environment. If your default Python is Python 2 and you also want to use the dec2bin module on your Python 3 environment just install the module on your Python 3 environment by running 'python3 install'(without quotes). And if your default Python is Python 3 and you also want to use the dec2bin module on your Python 2 environment just install the module on your Python 2 environment by running 'python2 install'(without quotes).

HOW TO USE: To use the dec2bin function that's inside the dec2bin module you need to first import the module into Python. To do that and already be able to call the dec2bin function just type in: from dec2bin import * You can also type: from dec2bin import dec2bin And if you want to abbreviate the dec2bin function you can type: from dec2bin import dec2bin as anyabbreviationyouwant For example: from dec2bin import dec2bin as db To use the dec2bin function on your own scripts just write 'from dec2bin import *'(without quotes) at the top of your script.


Copyright (C) 2016 Andre Rossi Korol

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