
Python Library/tool to easily define and validate the format and content of a configuration file

validationtool, definition, configuration, development
pip install defconf==0.2.0


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Python Library/tool to easily define and validate the format and content of a configuration file

To build a robust application, it takes a lot of effort to properly check and validate everything that can goes wrong within an input file filled by users:

  • Wrong option name : login VS username,
  • Wrong type : string instead of integer,
  • Mandatory information missing
  • Value not conform (ip address not valid etc ..)

All this complexity is often not completely managed by the application has it require a LOT of work: Defconf is here to help, it will:

  • Validate the format of the configuration file (list, dict, string)
  • Validate all names and track unsupported options
  • Validate content type (integer, string, bool, list, dict)
  • Validate the value with REGEX or pre-define list
  • Populate default value if information is missing

How does it work

Create a definition file to define how your configuration should look like

For this simple configuration file

http_server: [, ]
password: pwd!!
port: 4444

A corresponding defconf file will looks like this

    http_server: { type: list, validate: ip_addr, mandatory: 1 }
    password:    { type: string, validate: valid_password, mandatory: 1 }
    port:        { type: integer, values: [4444, 2580], default: 4444 }

  ip_addr: ^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$
  valid_password: ^[A-Za-z0-9\!]+$

For each option on the configuration file, we can define:

  • type => [string, integer, bool, dict, list]
  • mandatory => [0, 1]
  • values => List of supported values (only for integer, string and list type)
  • validate => Advance validation with Regex or with another validate block (nested dict)
  • default => Default value if option is not defined

Detail example available here :

From CLI (within project folder)

python myconfig.yml myconfig.def.yml

From python

import defconf

definition = yaml.load( open('myconfig.def.yml') )
config = yaml.load( open('myconfig.yml') )
defconf.validate_config( config, definition, 'myconfig' )


git clone

Enhancements list

  • Support JSON file in addition to YAML
  • Improve exception handling to catch as many issue as possible in one shot
  • Create example config file from Definition file
  • Create definition file for definition files :)
  • Create a module and publish


Bug and issues can be open on Github []

How to contribute

  • Use it and share your config/def files
  • Report issue
  • Add unit tests
  • Improve documentation