
An elegant way to provide an app specific lib dir at runtime.

deployment, path, isolation, dependencies
pip install deplib==1.0.10


seclusion Module

A simple and elegant solution to provide an app specific lib dir at runtime.

seclusion allows you to deploy Python programs onto unix-like hosts along with all of their dependencies in a simple, safe and isolated manner by quickly and easily adding your dependency folder to sys.path in an elegant and unobtrusive way.

Conventionally, you should deploy your application into an app-specific folder (e.g. '/usr/share/myapp') with a directory layout similar to this:

    +-- bin/
    |   +-- myapp -> ../share/myapp/bin/    <<-- Users call "myapp"
    +-- share/
        +-- myapp/
            +-- bin/
                +--                        <<-- Add "import seclusion" here
                +-- seclusion -> ../lib/seclusion  <<-- Symlink to this file's folder
            +-- lib/
                +-- seclusion/
                |   +--                <<-- This file
                +-- {All other dependencies}

To leverage the seclusion package, do the following:

  1. Deploy this package in the same folder as all other dependencies as outlined above.

  2. Place a symbolic link to this package's directory in the same folder as your application's entry point.

  3. Be sure to 'import seclusion' before importing any of your other bundled dependencies.

Take note that the above directory layout is not strictly mandatory but two aspects are absolutely required:

  1. You must place the seclusion package folder into the directory you wish to be added into sys.path, and

  2. You must put a symbolic link to seclusion's package folder in the same directory as the python file that contains the import statement that loads this module.

By doing the above, the parent folder of this package (or libdir) will be added to sys.path at position number 1 and all other packages and modules which reside there will now be accessable to your program. Note, we insert this path at position #1 since, conventionally, position zero is reserved for the empty string (which is handled specially by python). Also, we don't append to the end of sys.path because doing so would expose system-installed versions of packages that may be bundled with your application (and our goal is to use the bundled packages instead).

Finally, after modifying sys.path, we then call site.addsitedir(libdir) to process any *.pth files that may be deployed in your lib directory. While addsitedir() will add its argument to sys.path (if not already present), it always appends and we don't want that (so we do it ourselves first).

Convenience Variables

As a convenience, seclusion also exposes three package variables that can be useful for other isolation efforts:


The directory containing the python file where "import seclusion" is first called to load this package. Note that no matter how many times you call "import seclusion" the value of "bindir" is only ever set once and will always be the directory holding the very first file to import this module.


This is the parent directory of the deployed seclusion package and is the pathname that has been added to sys.path.


The common parent directory of bindir and libdir. In most cases, this will be the root of your application deployment.


seclusion is pure python and has no dependencies In fact, it's less than a dozen LOC; it's the conventions that make the magic.

If you're using a virtualenv to develope your application (as you should be), then the usual:

python install

...or, if you're a pip kind of person:

pip install seclusion

Either one should do the trick. Note that it doesn't really do much good to install this module into your system's Python library since doing so will only serve to add the system library folder to sys.path and, I'd wager it's already there.

Of course, virtual environments are great for development but should not be used for deployment (there's way too much cruft invoved for my taste). Instead, I deploy my Python apps via Debian packages (and I'll explain how I do that as soon as I add a github repo for by debian archetype).