
Utilities for deploying projects to EC2

AWS, Fabric, deployment
pip install deploy-utils==1.0.1



Utilities for deploying projects to EC2

Table of Contents


For now, just look at the test code.


In Another Project

Install with pip: pip install deploy_utils or put it in your in install_requires: deploy_utils.

As Standalone

The project is based of off python 2.7, but is best used with the virtualenv development scheme.

  1. Install Python 2.7
  2. Install virtualenv: $ [sudo] pip install virtualenv
  3. Instantiate the virtual python environment for the project using python 2.7:
  • Windows: virtualenv --python=C:\Python27\python.exe deploy_utils
  • Linux: virtualenv -p /path/to/python27 deploy_utils
  1. Browse to project folder cd deploy_utils
  2. Activate the virtualenv:
  • Windows: .\Scripts\activate
  • Linux: source bin/activate
  1. (Windows only) Manually install the pycrypto library. The followin command assumes you have 32 bit python 2.7 installed: pip install If 64 bit python 2.7 is installed, run the following command instaed: pip install
  2. Install the python project using develop mode: python develop

EC2 Notes

You will need to do the following for automatically launching Amazon EC2 instances using the scripts:

  • Create AWS account
  • Get the access key
  • Get the secret access key
  • Create a profile in ~/.aws/credentials with the above keys
  • Create security group
  • Add your IP to list of allowed inbound traffic (see aws docs).
  • Create key pair (see aws docs).
  • Download .pem file to computer
  • (Windows only) instally PuTTY and PuTTYgen
  • Download from here.
  • Create .ppk file (see aws docs).
  • AMI ids
  • You need to use the appropriate one for your region
  • Do this by going to the marketplace and selecting the type to use and then find the AMI id by saying you'll manually launch it.
  • Use of CentOS
  • Requires that you agree to some TOS, I did this by launching an instance
  • This library targets CentOS 6 HVM with Updates
  • Pre 2015 instance setup machine with only root user
  • Post 2014 uses centos user
  • Includes script to automatically install PostGIS. :)

Config File Data

Setting Name Description
ami_id The base ami to start from. See notes about finding AMI ids above.
aws_access_key_id Access key for account.
aws_profile_name The profile name where you put the keys
aws_secret_access_key Secret access key for account.
block_device_map Where to attach storage. Amazon Linux: /dev/xvda CentOS 6: /dev/sda1
cron_email Who to email in cron jobs.
key_filename The filename of your .pem file.
key_pair_name The key pair name for the EC2 instance to use.
instance_name The name to tag the instance with.
instance_type The EC2 instance type. (See instance types).
non_root_user The non-root user ot use when fabbing on the machine. Amazon Linux: ec2-user CentOS 6: centos
region The AWS region to connect to.
security_groups Security groups to grant to the instance. If more than one, seperate with commas.
volume_size Size of the AWS Volume for the new instance in GB.