
CHiSEL: schema evolution and model management for the DERIVA platform.

pip install deriva-chisel==0.3.0


Welcome to CHiSEL

CHiSEL is a high-level, user-oriented framework for schema evolution and model management in the DERIVA platform.


  • Compatible with DERIVA's deriva-py catalog model management API;
  • Support for SQL-like CREATE TABLE AS schema evolution expressions;
  • Several built-in functions to reduce effort of writing complicated expressions;
  • Ability to view the output of expressions before materializing;
  • Schema evolution expressions that update schema annotations too;
  • Bulk operation execution to increase efficiency;
  • (NEW) Model management operations to find, prune, and replace column, key, and foreign key symbols in DERIVA schema annotations;
  • (NEW) Integrated schema modification and model management operations for column, key, and foreign key symbols operations for alter (rename) and drop;
  • (NEW) Convenient cascadeing drop operations on schema, table, column, key, and foreign key symbols model element.
  • (NEW) Associate operation the converts a 1:N relationship into an M:N association table (a.k.a., join table).

A brief example:

from deriva.core import DerivaServer, get_credential
from deriva.chisel import Model

hostname = ''
model = Model.from_catalog(
   DerivaServer('https', hostname, get_credential(hostname)).connect_ermrest('1')

public = model.schemas['public']
foo = public.tables['foo']

public.create_table_as('bar', foo.columns['bar'].to_vocabulary())


You will need Python 3.7+ and pip for installation.

OPTIONAL: To use chisel's graph(...) method, you will also need to have the graphviz executables installed for your operating system. For information about how to download and install graphviz, see


To install from the PyPI repository:

$ pip install deriva-chisel

To install the latest development branch you will also need git.

$ git clone
$ cd chisel
$ pip install -e .

For more details, see the Installation guide.

Get Started

Connect to a DERIVA catalog and create the Model management interface.

from deriva.core import DerivaServer, get_credential
from deriva.chisel import Model

hostname = ''
model = Model.from_catalog(
   DerivaServer('https', hostname, get_credential(hostname)).connect_ermrest('1')

Note: use the DERIVA Authentication Agent to login to the server before creating the DerivaServer object.

Schema Definition

The deriva-py Model interface implemented by chisel follows a pattern:

  1. Define: define class methods on Schema, Table, Column, Key, and ForeignKey classes to define the respective parts of the catalog model.
  2. Create: create_schema, create_table, create_column, etc. instance methods on Model, Schema, and Table objects, respectively, that accept their respective definitions (returned by their define method) and issue requests to the DERIVA server to create that part of the catalog model.
  3. Alter: alter instance methods on model objects for altering aspects of their definitions.
  4. Drop: drop instance methods on model object for dropping them from the catalog model.
  5. Apply: apply model "annotation" changes performed explicitly or implicitly by the alter and drop methods.
from deriva.core import DerivaServer, get_credential
from deriva.chisel import Model, Schema, Table, Column, Key, ForeignKey, builtin_types

# connect to catalog
hostname = ''
model = Model.from_catalog(
   DerivaServer('https', hostname, get_credential(hostname)).connect_ermrest('1')

# create a schema
acme = model.create_schema(Schema.define('acme'))

# create a table
foo = acme.create_table(Table.define(
      Column.define('bar', builtin_types.int8, nullok=False),
      Column.define('baz', builtin_types.text),
      Column.define('qux', builtin_types.timestamptz),
      Column.define('xyzzy', builtin_types.text)

# rename column

# drop column

# apply model "annotation" changes (this only affects "annotation" changes)

For more details, see the deriva-py tutorial.

Schema Evolution Expressions

In addition to schema definition, chisel supports table creation from schema evolution expressions. If you are familiar with SQL, these are akin to the CREATE TABLE <name> AS <expr> statement.

   'bar',  # table name
   foo.where(foo.columns['qux'] == '2008').select('bar')  # expression

Chisel comes with several builtin expression builders to reduce the difficulty of expressing some complicated transformations.

In this example, a new unique "domain" of terms is created from the zzyzx column of the foo table.

   'zzyzx_terms',  # table name
   foo.columns['zzyzx'].to_domain()  # expression

The to_domain method, when executed, will select the values of column zzyzx. It will also deduplicate the values using a string similarity comparison. Then it will generate a new relation (i.e., table) to store just those deduplicated values of the column zzyzx.

For more details, see the usage examples and the usage guide.