
CLI for desec DNS API

desec, dns, api, cli
pip install desec-dns-cli==0.0.3


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CLI tool for the DNS service.


Arch Linux:

yay -S desec-dns-cli

Python (user install):

pip install --user desec-dns-cli

or with pipx:

pipx install desec-dns-cli


Account management

Register account

Create an account with this command:

desec-dns-cli account register "" "supersecure123!"

You can pipe the password to stdin with the -p option. With that you could retrieve it from a password manager like pass:

pass show -c accounts/ | desec-dns-cli account register -p ""

The command will obtain a captcha and display it in the default browser. Try to solve it and enter the solution in the prompt.


desec-dns-cli account login "" "supersecure123!"

You can pipe the password to stdin with the -p option.

echo "supersecure123!" | desec-dns-cli account login -p ""

The command will create an auth token in your deSEC account. You can save it to the config file under ~/.config/desec-dns-cli.conf with the --save option.

To logout and remove the token from your account use:

desec-dns-cli account logout "my-token"

You need an active auth token in your config file for most operations to work.

Account info

Get your account info in several formats:

desec-dns-cli account info -f json

Reset password

Fill in the token and you'll get an email with a link to reset your password.

desec-dns-cli account reset-password

Change email address

Not implemented yet

Token management

Create/Delete tokens

Not implemented yet

List tokens

Not implemented yet

Save token to config

You can use the desec-dns-cli account login --save command to create a new token and save it to the config. To save an already existing token use:

desec-dns-cli token save "mytoken"

Domain management

Create/Delete domains

Not implemented yet

List domains

Not implemented yet

Record set management

Create/Delete RRsets

Not implemented yet

Modify RRsets

Not implemented yet

List/Query RRsets

Not implemented yet

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