A command-line tool that integrates Youdao Dict, Google Translate, Gemini and OpenAI. Just for fun :)

python, youdao, dictionary, command-line, plumbum, translator, translate, google-translation-api, gemini, openai
pip install dict-tiny==0.2.1



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A command-line tool that integrates Youdao Dict, Google Translate, DeepL Translator, Gemini and OpenAI.

Just for fun :)


You can install dict-tiny via pip. (>=Python 3.9)

$ pip install dict-tiny


$ pip install --upgrade dict-tiny


Youdao Dict

Add -y / --youdao to use Youdao Dict:

$ dict-tiny -y book
>>> YoudaoDict <<<
n. 书籍本子簿册;(长篇作品的装订成册之物赌局打赌账册账簿
v. 预订预约;(警方……记录在案;(裁判记名警告】 (Book)(布克,(瑞典博克,(人名
$ dict-tiny -y 
>>> YoudaoDict <<<


Use -m/--more to get more detail translation for the word:

$ dict-tiny -y 曾经 -m
>>> YoudaoDict <<<
[céng jīng]

more detail:
======== 副词 ========
  He once lived in Shanghai.
  他曾经在上海住过She has taken part in a major battle for oil.
$ dict-tiny -y dictionary -m
>>> YoudaoDict <<<
n. 字典词典专业词典术语大全电子词典双语词典

more detail (collins):
======== N-COUNT 可数名词 ========
 · 词典

A dictionary is a book in which the words and phrases of a language are listed alphabetically, together with their meanings or their translations in another language.

 : ...a Spanish-English dictionary.


  • Some words have a lot of translation that may occupy the entire screen.
  • Only supports English or Chinese words currently.

Google Translate

Add -g / --google to use Google Translate:

$ dict-tiny -g book
>>> GoogleTranslate <<<
detected language: en

Add --target-language to specify the language to translate results into:

$ dict-tiny -g operation system --target-language ja
>>> GoogleTranslate <<<
operation system
output: オペレーションシステム
detected language: en

Add --source-language to specify the language of the text to be translated, but in most cases you don't need to do this because the google translate api automatically detects the source language type.

And if you give a wrong source language, the translation result may not be what you expect.

So, of course, you can add --detect-language to detect the language type:

$ dict-tiny -g --detect-language español
>>> GoogleTranslate <<<
confidence: 0.49805447459220886
input: español
language: es
name: Spanish


  • Make sure Google services are available in your network environment.

  • The source and target languages for Google Translate are identified using the iso-639-1 codes.

    $ dict-tiny -g book --target-language zh --source-language en
    >>> GoogleTranslate <<<
    source language: en

    You can also enter the ISO language name:

    $ dict-tiny -g book --target-language German --source-language English
    >>> GoogleTranslate <<<
    output: Buch
    source language: English
  • Set the environment variable $DICT_TINY_TARGET_LAN so that you do not have to manually specify the target language each time. if you specify the target language parameter on the command line with --target-language, the setting in the environment variable will be overwritten.

  • The default target-language for Goole Translate are English .

DeepL Translate

For some reason I am no longer allowed to use deepl pro, so deepl is no longer supported.


Add --gemini to use Gemini.

Use --gemini-model to specify the model used by Gemini. You can also set the environment variable $DICT_TINY_GEMINI_MODEL. The default model is gemini-pro.

Use --gemini-key to specify the Gemini api key, or set the environment variable $DICT_TINY_GEMINI_API_KEY.


  • If you use gemini-pro-vision model, you need to use --img-path to specify the path of image.

  • Use --max-output-tokens to specify the maximum output token.

  • Use --temperature to specify the temperature.


Add --openai to use OpenAI.

Use --openai-model to specify the model used by OpenAI. You can also set the environment variable $DICT_TINY_OPENAI_MODEL. The default model is gpt-3.5-turbo.

Use --openai-key to specify the OpenAI api key, or set the environment variable $DICT_TINY_OPENAI_API_KEY.

$ dict-tiny --openai who are you?
>>> OpenAI-gpt-3.5-turbo <<<
I am an AI language model created by OpenAI. I can assist you with various tasks, answer questions, and
engage in conversations on a wide range of topics. How may I assist you today?


  • Currently only text generation models are supported.

  • Use --max-output-tokens to specify the maximum output token.

  • Use --temperature to specify the temperature.

Interactive mode

Each of the above functions can be entered into its interactive mode by adding the -i . Control + d to exit interactive mode.


In interactive mode you can:

  • Use above features in a continuous interactive manner.
  • Press Tab key for word auto-completion (using Youdao's auto-completion function, currently only supports Chinese, English, French, Korean, Japanese)
  • For Gemini and OpenAI, the dialog context is maintained in interactive mode, use --dialog-turns to specify the number of dialog turns to maintain, the default is 10.
  • All settings cannot be changed after entering interactive mode, such as target-language, model, img-path, temperature, etc., unless you exit to change the settings and re-enter.


Default behavior

  • Youdao Dict is the default translator, which means Youdao Dict will be used when no translator is specified.

    $ dict-tiny 机器学习
    >>> YoudaoDict <<<
    machine learning

    You can use the environment variable $DICT_TINY_DEFAULT_TRANS to set the default translator. There are four options described above: YoudaoDict, GoogleTranslate, Gemini, OpenAI. Case insensitive.

  • For Youdao Dict and Google translate, if the target language is not specified, Chinese and English will be used as the target language for each other.

  • In non-interactive mode, multiple translators can be specified at the same time, for example, YoudaoDict and GoogleTranslate can be used at the same time.

    $ dict-tiny formulation -y -g
    >>> YoudaoDict <<<
    n. (政策计划等的制定构想;(想法的阐述方式表达方法;(药品或化妆品的配方配方产品
    >>> GoogleTranslate <<<
    output: 公式
    detected language: en

Use clipboard content

Use -c/--clipboard to use the contents of the clipboard:

$ dict-tiny -c -y
>>> YoudaoDict <<<
v. 遭遇偶遇邂逅
n. 偶遇邂逅经历体验冲突比赛交锋


  • -c/--clipboard has low priority. If you add -c and a word at the same time, the switch -c will be ignored.
