

pip install digTokenizer==1.0.13


dig-tokenizer is a python library which will produce tokens with different options on multiple fields.

dig-tokenizer will help you:

  • Generate tokens of your choice using a simple config file.
  • Perform clustering based on the tokens generated using the library dig-lsh-clustering

Tools built with dig-tokenizer:

dig-lsh-clustering: This is an implementation of Locality Sensitive Hashing(LSH) Algorithm in python. You can cluster the similar documents using this library.


  • Spark: Visit http://spark.apache.org/downloads.html, select the package type of “Pre-built for Hadoop 2.4 and later,” and then click on the link for “Download Spark” This will download a compressed TAR file, or tarball. Uncompress the file into <spark-folder>.
  • Run ./make-spark.sh every time to build the zip files required by spark every time you pull in new code
  • Adding python path: To import pyspark module you have add pythonpath to your bash_profile file.
    you bash_profile file should look like :
export SPARK_HOME=/Users/rajagopal/Downloads/spark-1.5.2-bin-hadoop2.6

How to install

pip install digTokenizer


*You can run the following command cloning this repo with the config file and input files like following:

python digTokenizer/test/testTokenizer.py -i input \
      --input_file_format text -o output \
      --config digTokenizer/test/tests/text-json/config/config.json \
      --output_file_format text

If you want to import this library into your code please check here for the usage.


To run this code, you have to input a config file which specifies how tokens should look like. Let's look at an example.

Sample config file:
  "fieldConfig": {
    "0": {
      "path": "description",
  "defaultConfig": {
    "analyzer": {
      "tokenizers": [
  "settings": {

Sample Input :

http://dig.isi.edu/ht/data/1000330/webpage  { "pageurl": "https://www.naughtyreviews.com/1234",
"title": "This is the title", 
"description": ["Hi, How is your day ? Here is the description"]}

Input should be in the format <unique-id><tab space><json line>

In "fieldConfig" of config file , you have to give the json field path. If you want tokens for more than one field, you can add more fields with numbers "1", "2" etc. "prefix" will enable to add a prefix to every token generated from that particular field.

Sample Output :

http://dig.isi.edu/ht/data/1000330/webpage  ["Hi,", "How", "is", "your", "day", "?", "Here", "is", "the", "description"]

Output tokens are generated by whitespace split.

Other options for tokenizer are :

(a) word-ngram : Here with the given size n words are combined and emmitted as a token. In the above example if n=2 output will be

http://dig.isi.edu/ht/data/1000330/webpage  ["Hi,How", "Howis", "isyour", "yourday", "day?", "?Here", "Hereis", "isthe", "thedescription"]

(b) character-ngram : In this case with the given size n, n characters are taken and emitted as a token. In the above example if n = 4

output will be

http://dig.isi.edu/ht/data/1000330/webpage  ["$$$H", "$$Hi", "$Hi,", "Hi, ", "i, H", ", Ho", " How", "How ", "ow i", "w is", " is ", "is y", "s yo", " you", "your", "our ", "ur d", "r da", " day", "day ", "ay ?", "y ? ", " ? H", "? He", " Her", "Here", "ere ", "re i", "e is", " is ", "is t", "s th", " the", "the ", "he d", "e de", " des", "desc", "escr", "scri", "crip", "ript", "ipti", "ptio", "tion", "ion$", "on$$", "n$$$"]

And config file looks like as follows :

  "fieldConfig": {
    "0": {
      "path": "description",
  "defaultConfig": {
    "analyzer": {
      "tokenizers": [
  "settings": {
 "char_n_4": {
      "type": "character_ngram",
      "size": 4

Some More Options:

Filter :

  • lowercase -> this will produce lowercased tokens
  • uppercase -> this will produce uppercased tokens
  • latin -> this will convert all non-english characters to the nearest english character if possible. For example à to a, ñ to n
  • mostlyHTML -> if that field has more than 40 html tags like ,, , etc, then there will be no tokens will be emmitted.

Regex expressions :

  • If you want to apply some regex expressions on the fields you can add them in the config file. Two kinds of options are available.
    • Word level regexes : You can check the example of those expressions click here word regex Format is as follows :
              "regex": "<regex expression here>",
              "replacement": "<if you replace the matching characters",
              "desc": "<description>"
  • Sentence level regexes : You can check the example of those expressions click here sent regex config Format is same.

The reason for allowing two types is the regex expression you want to match may not be a complete in a word, but it's a complete match over the complete sentence (if the field has more than one word)

Stop words :

If you don't want to emit tokens for some words you can add them in stop words list present in config file click here stop words config

"stop_default": {
                  "type": "stop",
                  "words": ["a","an","and","are","as"]

Default Config:

If you hate writing seperate type of configuration for every field you can write a default config click here default config example

"defaultConfig": {
    "analyzer": {
      "replacements": [
          "regex": "[^\\w\\s]",
          "replacement": "",
          "description": "replace special chars"
      "filters": [
      "tokenizers": [

At the end you can see complete config file with all the options config file with all the options