Dikhao: A quick view of all related EC2 & Route53 resources

dikhao, ec2, aws, route53, platform, iaas
pip install dikhao==0.1.0


Dikhao: A new way to look at EC2 & Route53

Dikhao is a project to cache every EC2 resource, find relations between them, and provide really fast lookups. It can be installed as a python command line utility (pip install dikhao), deployable in Heroku and has a ready to use hubot plugin.

Example search:

  • CLI command: $ batao -i route53.rohit.io
  • Hubot bot in hipchat: @hubot batao route53.rohit.io
  • Heroku App: http://<app_name>.herokuapp.com/lookup/route53.rohit.io

Note: Key ‘route53.rohit.io’ can be anything from the configurable list of indexed items (given below).

Example output:

Route53 Details (210 secs ago):
| Name               | ttl | Type      | Value                                              |
| route53.rohit.io.  | 300 | CNAME     | ec2-54-162-144-108.us-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com |
| elb1-dns.rohit.io. | 600 | A (Alias) | blog-elb-993346533.us-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com.    |
| elb1-dns.rohit.io. | 600 | A (Alias) | web-elb-1401441163.us-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com.    |
EC2 Instance Details (265 secs ago):
|           Property | Value                                              |
|        Instance ID | i-e68e0cca                                         |
|              State | running                                            |
|            EC2 DNS | ec2-54-162-144-108.us-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com |
|         IP address |                                     |
|             Region | us-west-1                                          |
|               Zone | us-west-1b                                         |
|      Instance type | m1.large                                           |
| Private IP address |                                     |
|        Private DNS | ip-10-201-136-202.us-west-1.compute.internal       |
|          ELB names | blog-elb,web-elb                                   |
Elastic IP Details (261 secs ago):
| Elastic IP     | Instance ID |
| | i-e68e0cca  |
ELB Details (266 secs ago):
| Name     | ELB DNS                                         | Instance ID | State        |
| blog-elb | blog-elb-993346533.us-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com. | i-e68e0cca  | InService    |
|          |                                                 | i-e68kkbba  | InService    |
|          |                                                 | i-52641cad  | OutOfService |
| web-elb  | web-elb-1401441163.us-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com. | i-e68e0cca  | InService    |
|          |                                                 | i-e68kkbba  | InService    |
|          |                                                 | i-52641cad  | OutOfService |


  • CLI Tool: dikhao is available for installation using PyPi. Once installed, it provides two commands: padho and batao. padho syncs AWS details into redis and batao can be used for searching the same.
    (venv)$ pip install dikhao
  • Heroku Application: Clone respsitory and use the automated install script install.sh.

    Manual install instructions:

    $ git clone git@github.com:rohit01/dikhao.git
    $ cd dikhao
    $ heroku create {app_name} -s cedar
    $ git push heroku master
    $ heroku addons:add rediscloud --app {app_name}
    $ heroku ps:scale web=1

    Add credentials:
    $ heroku config:set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='<ACCESS-KEY>'
    $ heroku config:set AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='<SECRET-KEY>'
    $ heroku config:set SENTRY_DSN='<SENTRY_DSN>'
    $ heroku config:set REDIS_HOST='<rediscloud-hostname>'
    $ heroku config:set REDIS_PORT_NO='<rediscloud-port>'
    $ heroku config:set REDIS_PASSWORD='<rediscloud-password>'
    $ heroku config:set PORT='80'
  • Hubot Agent:
    • Deploy dikhao as a heroku app
    • Add the heroku application url in coffee script
    • Integrate the coffee script in your existing hubot setup

Current features:

  1. Supported AWS services:
    • EC2 - Instance, Elastic IP and ELB
    • Route53 - All DNS types
  2. Search input value can be any one of the indexed item. Dikhao supports indexing based on the following (configurable):
    • Route 53 - DNS record name
    • Route 53 - DNS record value
    • EC2 Instance - ID
    • EC2 Instance - IP address
    • EC2 Instance - Private IP address
    • EC2 Instance - Public DNS
    • EC2 Instance - Private DNS
    • EC2 ELB - Name
    • EC2 ELB - DNS
    • EC2 - Elastic IP
  3. Provides many syncing options to help cater different needs. Few notable configurable options:
    • NO_EC2 - If True, EC2 details will not be synced. Default: False
    • NO_ROUTE53 - If True, Route53 details will not be synced. Default: False
    • HOSTED_ZONES - List of comma separated hosted zone names to be synced. Default: all
    • REGIONS - List of comma separated EC2 region names to be synced. Default: all
    • EXPIRE_DURATION - Duration for which details are cached. Default: 1 Day