
Easily using discord webhooks in python - asynchronous and synchronous - documented at https://github.com/Coolo22/discordoauth.py/docs/

discord, oauth2, python, api, asynchronous, synchronous, oauth
pip install discordoauth.py==0.1.0



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A python package for using Discord Oauth2 with any webserver. Designed to be simple to use with as little input as possible. Asynchronous webservers (eg Quart) are reccomended

For downloads see the PyPi page For documentation see the /docs directory. For extra support join the Discord server


pip install discordoauth.py


See Examples in the examples/ directory

Quart example

Basic Quart example for using Discord Oauth2

import quart
import discordoauth 

app = quart.Quart(__name__)

# The application ID and secret to use for Oauth.
app_id = 999999999999999999
app_secret = "app_secret_here"

# Initialise client and choose scopes.
# Supported scopes can be seen in the README.md
client = discordoauth.Client(app_id, app_secret)
scopes = discordoauth.Scopes(identify=True)

# The address that flask is currently running on
address = "localhost:5000"

@app.route("/login", ["GET"])
def _login():

    # Generate an oauth URL and redirect the user to it
    return quart.redirect(
        client.get_oauth_url(scopes, rediret_uri= address+"/return")

@app.route("/return", ["GET"])
async def _discord_return():

    # Get the code discord responds with from URI arguments
    code = quart.request.args.get("code")

    # Start a session
    session = client.new_session(code, scopes, address+"/return")

    # Use scope identify to fetch user information. Automatically converts code to access token
    user = await session.fetch_user()

    return f"""
Username: {user.name} <br>
User ID: {user.id}

# Run the app locally on port 5000
app.run("", 5000)