
A small python module for determining the location of objects within static images based on characterstics of the object and the camera

pip install distancefrompicture==1.0.0b1



A small python module for determining the location of objects within static images based on characterstics of the object and the camera.

Task list

  • Initial distance finder for objects displacement away from the camera lense.
  • Include x and y offset calculations to determine 3d relative location of objects
  • Documentation
  • (Optional) pep8 everything

Example Use

import distancefrompicture

# Define a camera that is 1000x1000px and has a field of view of 90 degrees in either direction
cam = distancefrompicture.CameraProperties((90,90), (1000,1000)) 
# Create a target that is 2m wide
targ = distancefrompicture.TargetProperties('test', 2)
# create the finder for this object
finder = distancefrompicture.DistanceFinder(cam, targ)

# Print some examples results
print(finder.find_distance((500,250), (500,750))) # 2m away
# 2.0
print(finder.find_distance((500,0), (500,1000))) # 1m away
# 1.0

print(finder.find_displacement((500,250), (500,750))) # 2m away
# (0.0, 0.0, 2.0)

print(finder.find_displacement((0,0), (0,1000))) # 1m away
# (-0.9999999999999999, 0.0, 1.0)