
Django Model Field that supports AES encryption

pip install django-aesfield==4.0.0


AES Field

Provides an AES field for Django that does AES encryption and decryption using m2secret-py3, a Python wrapper for OpenSSL.


Like any other field:

from aesfield.field import AESField

class SomeModel(...):
    key = AESField()


AESField takes the following parameters beyond a normal CharField:

  • aes_prefix: the prefix to use on fields, defaults to aes:
  • aes_key: the key to use in the lookup method to find a suitable key for this field, defaults to default


  • AES_METHOD: the module to look in for a key lookup method, if you want something different from the default, aesfield.default
  • AES_KEYS: used by the aesfield.default method. It's a dictionary of keys to filenames. Those files must be able to be read by the Django process. It must have a default key, unless you specify a specifc one in aes_key


If you add aesfield to INSTALLED_APPS you'll get one more command, generate_aes_keys. This will generate a new file for each file mentioned in the AES_KEYS dictionary. But only if that file does not already exist.