
Provides an email sender that automatically confirms addresses.

pip install django-confirmed-email==0.0.7


Confirmed Email Sender

This package provides a drop-in replacements for shortcut send_mail() and class "EmailMultiAlternatives" which ensures that destination addresses are confirmed before sending email to them.

The shortcut "send_mail_confirmed()" and class "ConfirmedEmailMessage" send email only to confirmed addresses and automatically send confirmation messages to unconfirmed addresses. It handles the confirmation process via a url in the confirmation message.

Messages for unconfirmed addresses will be queued until the address is confirmed or a timeout period defaulting to 3 days elapses.

This app is configured with the same settings as Django's email backend plus EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_WAIT which is an integer specifying the number of days to keep queued messages for an unconfirmed address before deleting them. This setting defaults to 3. You also need a valid domain name for Django's Sites framework so the confirmation link is at the correct host.

If you're unfamiliar with the Sites framework, look for 'Sites' in the Django admin, it should be self-explanatory.

ConfirmedEmailMessage.send() and send_email_confirmed() differ from the originals in their return values. Instead of a return value of 0/1 to indicate failure/success there can be a different status for each destination address. These return instead a dictionary with each destination address as a key and a state indicating success/failure/queued pending confirmation; see the documentation for sender.ConfirmedEmailMessage.sent() for details. This allows you to display a message indicating that confirmation is necessary if appropriate.

settings variables:

EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_WAIT: Number of days to wait between sending confirmation emails.
Defaults to 3 days.
EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_TEMPLATE: Template to use as the body of confirmation emails.
It's important for this template to contain a link for the user to click on passed to the template via variable {{confirmation_link}}. See default template 'confirmation_email.txt' for an example.
ADDRESS_CONFIRMED_TEMPLATE: Template displayed to a user when they click on a confirmation link.
Defaults to 'address_confirmed.html' and has template variable {{email_address}} passed to it.

Example (view) usage:

destination_address = '' cem = ConfirmedEmailMessage(

subject='No Subject Needed', body='Hi there.', from_email='', to=[destination_address],


send_results = cem.send() if send_results[destination_address] == 'queued':

template = 'confirmation_required.html' context = {'email_address': destination_address} return render(request, template, context)