
A Django 1.10+/2.x storages backend backed by your existing database.

Django, storage, database, backend
pip install django-database-storage-backend==1.0.0



A Django 1.10+/2.x storages backend backed by your existing database.

This module provides an app named dbstorage. The app contains a single model StoredFile which is where files stored with the storage backend are put. The app also provides DatabaseStorage which you can set on your file fields.


Install libmagic, e.g.:

brew install libmagic

Install this package:

pip django-database-storage-backend

Put 'dbstorage' in your INSTALLED_APPS in your

Add to your


Add to your URLconf:

url(r'^user-media/', include('dbstorage.urls')),

user-media/ determines the URL path where media files are accessed from. You can set this to anything.

Add a File or ImageFile field to your model:

image = models.ImageField(upload_to='some-root')

Files saved into this field will be stored in the database and available at the URL path /user-media/some-root/{HASH}.{EXT}. HASH is the SHA-1 hash of the file content. The file extension is replaced with a normalized file extension by auto-detecting the file type so that no file name information besides the file's type is leaked. This also prevents unauthorized users from randomly guessing the URLs to uploaded files (although SHA-1 is generally deprecated for security purposes in favor of SHA-256 --- so don't use this as your only form of authorization logic if it matters).

The upload_to value cannot be more than 200 characters as the maximum full path length is 255 characters.


  • Easily configure a media storage backend that just uses your existing database for storing and serving your media files.
  • Filenames don't leak the name of the file that it was uploaded from and are based on a hash of the file's content to prevent unauthorized users from guessing file URLs.
  • Secure headers are set to prevent untrusted content from being a cross-site scripting vulnerability.
  • The backend supports the delete, exists, listdir, size, url, created_time, and modified_time functions.
  • Stored files appear in the Django admin.

Dynamic image resizing

When storing images, the view method can automatically resize an image to one of a few pre-defined sizes. To use this feature, you must install pillow. Then add ?width= plus xs (768px), sm (1024 px), md (1100px), or lg (1400px) to the URL when accessing the image. The image returned in the response will have this size as a maximum dimension.

For Project Maintainers

To publish a universal wheel to pypi::

    pip3 install twine
    rm -rf dist
    python3 bdist_wheel --universal
    twine upload dist/*
    git tag v1.0.XXX
    git push --tags