
Django app that make model objects embeddable on 3rd party websites

pip install django-embed9==0.3



django-embed9 allows you to create widgets from your model objects and embed them on external websites.



  • Install via pip:

    pip install django-embed9
  • Add embed9 to your INSTALLED_APPS

  • Add url pattern to your

    url(r'^embed/', include('embed9.urls', namespace='embed9'))
  • Create a site in your database and set the SITE_ID setting

  • (Optional) Add the following line to your robots.txt file:

    Disallow: /embed/widget/


For every model that you want to make embeddable, create a class extending embed9.main.Embeddable in file inside your app folder. Class name has to consists of your model name and a word Embed.

For example model Image:

from embed9.main import Embeddable

class ImageEmbed(Embeddable):

In order to provide your own template of the widget, add widget_template to the class (or define get_widget_template() method):

class ImageEmbed(Embeddable):
    widget_template = 'myapp/mywidget.html'

Inside the template you can access a context variable named after your model (but in lower case). In this example it would be {{ image }}.

By default, defined widget template will render as an iframe on external websites.

To display a widget preview or raw embed code for an object in the template use the following:

{% load embed %}

{% widget_code myobject %}
{% widget_preview myobject %}

To display an URL to the preview/customization page you can use templatetag widget_preview_url:

{% widget_preview_url myobject %}

django-embed9 provides a simple demo with example usage. To install it from the console, navigate to embed9/demo directory and execute make install command. To run it, type make.



You may want to change the default templates for embed code or for the JavaScript loader. To do that, specify these templates in your Embeddable class:

class ImageEmbed(Embeddable):
    code_template = 'myapp/mycode.html'
    loader_template = 'myapp/myloader.js'

Again, if you need to provide these names dynamically, define get_code_template() and get_loader_template() methods.

Remember to use {{ widget_name }} as shown in the default templates. It is required if you want to allow many widgets on a single page.

Of course, sometimes JavaScript loader is not necessary. If this is the case, you will just need to create a code template similar to:

<iframe src="{{ domain }}{{ iframe_url }}"></iframe>


You may want to add some custom parameters such as widget size or color and allow your users to adjust them.

To define such parameters, create a form class and tell django-embed9 where it should look for it:

class ImageEmbed(Embeddable):
        form_class = MyAwesomeForm
form_template = 'myapp/myform.html'

Example form:

class MyAwesomeForm(forms.Form):
        size = forms.IntegerField(max_value=500, min_value=100, initial=200)
        color = forms.CharField(max_length=6)

Now all these parameters are going to be passed to the templates as a dictionary named {{ params }}:

<p>Size of this widget should be: {{ params.size }}</p>

Widget customization is available on the preview page. To display a link to it, write:

{% load embed %}
{% widget_preview_url myobject %}

You can also pass the parameters directly to templatetags:

{% load embed %}
{% widget_code myobject size=1000 %}


By default, widgets (iframes and javascript loaders) are cached for an hour. In order to adjust this behaviour, set the WIDGET_CACHE_TIME setting:

WIDGET_CACHE_TIME = 24 * 60 * 60

In progress

  • oEmbed API.


  • Tested with Python 3.4 and Django 1.7.4.