
A Django app to serve Ember index files.

pip install django-ember-index==0.5.1


Django Ember Index

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A Django app to serve Ember index files deployed with ember-cli-deploy.


  1. Install application using $ pip install django-ember-index.

  2. Add ember_index to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:



  1. Register Ember application(s) at with redis's adapter:

    from ember_index import index, RedisAdapter
    adapter = RedisAdapter(host='localhost')
    urlpatterns = [
        index(r'^other/', 'other-app', adapter),
        index(r'^', 'my-app', adapter),

    The provided regex is used to set router's rootURL by replacing pregenerated baseURL environment configuration at index file.

    Note that storeConfigInMeta must be set to true, otherwise an exception is raised. If base tag is present in index file, then value of href attribute will be replaced too.

    If CSRF protection is enabled, then meta tag named X-CSRFToken with generated token will be provided. You can use Ember Django CSRF to enable protection on the Ember side.

    All adapter's keyword arguments will be passed into the StrictRedis object on initialization.

  2. Access application(s) at:

    • / with current revision of my-app,
    • /r/ed54cda/ with specific revision of my-app,
    • /other/ with current revision of other-app,
    • /other/r/ed54cda/ with specific revision of other-app.


Django Ember Index is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.