
A Django app for simplifing the use of grunt for your asset flow

pip install django-grunted-assets==0.2.1




  • Have css and js compressed and cache busted in production
  • Have livereload work with css injection in development
  • Have livereload work with coffee-script files and html templates
  • Have node serve our staticfiles in development as it is way faster than django's runserver
  • Give the flexibility that compressor provides, linking arbitrary files in certain templates and locations

Where django-compressor falls short

  • Slow compile and reload
  • No css injection with livereload
  • Not the tools that grunt provides (autoprefixer, uglify, etc)
  • Inlining assets

How it works

  1. Put your static where you normally do, e.g. in a top level 'static' or 'assets' dir, or in the 'static' dir in your app.
  2. Configure the paths in your gruntfile.
  3. Add {% load grunted_assets %} to your (base) template and link the assets you want to load with: {% link_asset 'script.js' %}
  4. Run grunt (see below).
  5. Run collectstatic

The link_asset template tag (or the inline_asset tag), searches for the files in either .tmp (development) or dist (production) within STATIC_ROOT.

The argument you pass to link_asset of inline_asset is treated as a regex. A simple main.css therefore works, but using .*main\.js for example, you can also match files processed with something like ``grunt-rev<>``_.


In development (grunt or grunt develop), grunt compiles sass and coffee- script to a .tmp dir inside 'static'. These files get served by node. No cache busting here.

All static will be served by connect on localhost:8001, so set STATIC_URL='http://localhost:8001


Run grunt dist and check the dist folder into source control. This will concat, minify etc. all your js and css into 'main.css' and 'main.js' as you specify in your gruntfile.

On the server run collectstatic to have all static files collected to the proper place.