
Command to anonymize sensitive data.

pip install django-hattori==0.1




Command to anonymize sensitive data. This app helps you anonymize data in a database used for development of a Django project.

This app is based on Django-Database-Anonymizer, using Faker to anonymize the values.


Install using pip:

pip install django-hattori

Then add 'hattori' to your INSTALLED_APPS.



You should only run the anonymize process in PRE or development environments. To avoid problems by default anonymization is disabled.

To enable you must add to settings ANONYMIZE_ENABLED=True


How to execute command:

./ anonymize_db

Possible arguments:

  • -a, --app: Define a app you want to anonymize. All anonymizers in this app will be run. Eg. anonymize_db -a shop
  • -m, --models: List of models you want to anonymize. Eg. anonymize_db -m Customer,Product
  • -b, --batch-size: batch size used in the bulk_update of the instances. Depends on the DB machine, default use 500.

Writing anonymizers

In order to use the management command we need to define anonymizers.

  • Create a module in the given django-app
  • An anonymizer is a simple class that inherits from BaseAnonymizer
  • Each anonymizer class is going to represent one model
  • An anonymizer has the following members:
    • model: (required) The model class for this anonymizer
    • attributes: (required) List of tuples that determine which fields to replace. The first value of the tuple is the fieldname, the second value is the replacer
    • get_query_set(): (optional) Define your QuerySet
  • A replacer is either of type str or callable
  • A callable replacer is a Faker instance or custom replacer.
  • All Faker methods are available. For more info read the official documentation Faker!


from hattori.base import BaseAnonymizer, faker
from shop.models import Customer

class CustomerAnonymizer(BaseAnonymizer):
    model = Customer

    attributes = [
        ('card_number', faker.credit_card_number),
        ('first_name', faker.first_name),
        ('last_name', faker.last_name),
        ('phone', faker.phone_number),
        ('comment', faker.text),
        ('description', 'fix string'),
        ('code', faker.pystr),

    def get_query_set(self):
        return Customer.objects.filter(age__gt=18)

Extending the existing replacers with arguments

Use lambdas to extend certain predefined replacers with arguments, like min_chars or max_chars on faker.pystr:

('code', lambda **kwargs: faker.pystr(min_chars=250, max_chars=250, **kwargs)),

Important: don't forget the **kwargs!