
A simple Django app to crop and resize images

django, html5, cropping, on, the, fly
pip install django-html5croppingtools==0.1.3


Not maintained


  1. python 3 only
  2. django 1.7, 1.8 tested. May work on older version


run  pip install django-html5croppingtools


 Add html5croppingtools to INSTALLED_APPS

 run collectstatic


Admin example without saving original image
        class MyModel(models.Model):
            image = models.ImageField(upload_to='<upload path>')
        from html5croppingtools.fields import CropImageField
        from html5croppingtools.forms import CropImageFormMixin

        class MyModelForm(CropImageFormMixin, ModelForm):
            :param max_size maximum size of image width or height(depends on which is greater) in pixels
            :param width_ratio and height_ratio using this two parameters code calculates ratio
                   between width and height of image and helps when selecting cropping area in admin by fixing ratio between sides
            image = CropImageField(max_size=900, width_ratio=500,height_ratio=300)

        class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
            form = MyModel

Admin example with saving original image

        class MyModel(models.Model):
                image = models.ImageField(upload_to='<upload path>')
                original_image = models.ImageField(upload_to='<upload path>')
        class MyModelForm(CropImageFormMixin, ModelForm):
            :param original_field name of corresponding model's field where you want to save original image
            image = CropImageField(
                original_field='original_image', max_size=900,
                width_ratio=500, height_ratio=300,

On the fly cropping

Add html5croppingtools.imagecrop.ImageCropMiddleware to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES

after adding html5croppingtools.imagecrop.ImageCropMiddleware to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES
you can add "quality=<int>&dimensions=<int x1 >x<int y1 >x<int x2 >x<int y2>" this parameters to GET querystring
and middleware will serve corresponding image cropped and resized

Middleware working steps:

  1. If "quality" is supplied, image will be resized
  2. If crop "dimensions" are supplied, image will be cropped

Note: "dimensions" and "quality" parameters are optional



  1. middleware will resize image proportionally making It's bigger side equal to 1200 pixels
  2. after shrinking it will crop out a rectangle with coordinates: x1=300 y1=200 x2=900 y2=800 rectangle

Template example

{% load croppingtools_extra %}
<img src="{% html5crop MyModel.image dimensions='100x100x300x300' quality=500 %}">

takes "ImageFiled", "dimensions" and "quality" parameters and returns url "/media/image/my_image_guid.jpeg?quality=500&dimensions=100x100x300x300" after which middleware will serve cropped and resized image

Note: "dimensions" and "quality" parameters are optional