
Twitter authentication that sucks

pip install django-le-twitter==0.2



Twitter authentication that sucks.

Django-le-twitter provides almost nothing to let your users sign in with twitter: two class-based views.

Django-le-twitter is based on Django >= 1.3 and Tweepy.

The concept is simple: when a user successfully logs in using twitter (i.e. you get a valid OAuth token), django-le-twitter executes a method that you define. There is no model instance created, no login using contrib.auth, no nothing. You decide.


pip install django-le-twitter

There's nothing to add to your INSTALLED_APPS. It just needs to be in your python path. You need to add your Twitter app credentials to your Django settings:

CONSUMER_KEY = 'your key'
CONSUMER_SECRET = 'your secret'


Subclass the two views provided by django-le-twitter in one of your apps' views. Actually, one of them doesn't strictly need to be subclassed.

# app/
from django.http import HttpResponse

from le_twitter import views

authorize = views.Authorize.as_view()

class Return(views.Return):

    def handle_error(self, error_msg, exception=None):
        return HttpResponse(error_msg)

    def handle_success(self, auth):
        # Now it's up to you!
        return HttpResponse('It worked!')
return_ = Return.as_view()

handle_success() gives you a tweepy.OAuth object containing your user's OAuth credentials. At this point you can:

  • Fetch information using the tweepy API
  • Create an auth.User instance and link it to a custom twitter profile

handle_success() just needs to return an HttpResponse.

After that, just hook your custom views in your app urlconf:

# app/
from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns, url

from app.views import authorize, return_

urlpatterns = patterns(''
    url(r'^oauth/authorize/$', authorize, name='oauth_authorize'),
    url(r'^oauth/return/$', return_, name='oauth_return'),