
Django app for serving static content from different sources (files, strings, urls, etc.) at custom paths, using custom HTTP headers. Intended as a more flexible option than Python's SimpleHTTPServer

pip install django-localsrv==0.1.2



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django-localsrv is a django app that allows you to serve content (files, strings, etc.) at configurable paths, with configurable response HTTP headers.

It's intended as a more useful test server than Python's SimpleHTTPServer, mainly because of the configuration options.

  • Free software: MIT license


For the love of mankind, please use virtualenv.

pip install django-localsrv

Then in your settings file of your django project (usually


In your url configuration file (usually add the root path to where you want to serve the content from

from localsrv import urls as localsrv_urls

urlpatterns = (
 # Put this at the end of the list, since it will capture any url beginning with /localsrv
 # You can also use a pattern like r'', and that will match any pattern that wasn't
 # matched by any other pattern. That can get confusing, so it's best to use a namespace
 # like the one in this example
 url(r'^localsrv/', include(localsrv_urls))

Additional steps for the eager ones

The app includes a simple settings file, that you can use to start using the app instantly. It's the module localsrv.test_settings

Let's use it! This app contains models, so we'll need to run migrations for our app migrate --settings=localsrv.settings

This will create a sqlite database file in directory where the package was installed. If you don't have a problem with that, you will be able to start the server now, and enjoy the app. If you want to integrate the app into some project of yours, though I advise against it, you can do so. I won't teach you how, but it's a simple matter of including 'localsrv' in the INSTALLED_APPS list of the settings file of your project.

Create a superuser, to access the admin web console: createsuperuser --settings=localsrv.test_settings

And then run the server: runserver 0:8989 --settings=localsrv.test_settings

Now you're ready to start configuring what content you're going to serve at the url /localsrv/

Specifying the content to serve

Since this is a django app, if you did all the above steps (setting the app as a member of the INSTALLED_APPS list is the important thing), you'll, you'll have access to the Localsrv entry on your django admin page.

Working on a simpler, command line interface to the app, with perhaps a simple configuration dictionary.

Things to know: there are at the moment 3 types of content that you can serve:

  • Strings
  • Content found at another URL
  • Files on the local file system (these are a little buggy at the moment, but still usable)

To serve any of these, you need to create their corresponding resources. These are called String Source, URL Source and File Source. You'll find all of these on the admin page, in the entry for the app Localsrv. Try to create a String Source, and specify the content to be this JSON for example (you can use any string you wish, of course)

    "asdf": "zxcv",
    "qwer": [1, 2, 3]

Also, along with the content, you can specify what additional HTTP Headers should be provided. Specifying these is easy. You must create a Servable Http Header, where you'll be prompted for a name (e.g. content-type) and a value (e.g. application/json)

Now finally, you'll need to specify where to serve your content. This is done by creating a Servable Content object, on the same admin page. For it, you'll use a source that you defined previously, and (optionally) a header that you also defined. You'll also have to specify a path to serve this content from.

Since in this example we introduced the url pattern r'^localsrv/, let's stick to this pattern and specify a path of /localsrv/my_json. The path you choose here can be anything (that ca be considered a URL). We namespaced the url with /localsrv/ just to avoid any collisions with previous url pattern. The way localsrv handles requests is that it will respond to any unmatched URL, that starts with the namespace provided, so in our example /localsrv/asdaf/4/foo/bar will match the localsrv urls, and will return either a 404, or some content that you defined for this path.

Finally, when accessing the URLs you configred (in our example /localsrv/my_json) you'll see your json string delivered with the proper content type header.


To run the all tests run:
