
A Django app that provides commands to build deployment and other configuration files based on Django settings.

pip install django-makeconf==1.0.0



Make config files from Django settings variables and templates.


From your Django app, install the module from pip:

pip install django-makeconf

Then make sure it's included in your INSTALLED_APPS section:



Create templates in the templates/ directory of your app. For example, if you create myapp/templates/makeconf/Dockerfile.tmpl, you can generate Dockerfile in the root of your app by configuring MAKECONF_MAP in your settings file:

	'Dockerfile': 'makeconf/Dockerfile.tmpl',

This relies on Django's template finder, which is pretty flexible. It will scan all your apps for a template with the same path name. The Dockerfile will be generated using the Dockerfile.tmpl, and it will have access to the settings variable.

Elastic Beanstalk Modules

Elastic Beanstalk configuration files can be declared using MAKECONF_EB_MODULES. Templates named <module_name>.tmpl can be referenced in a list by the module name. If you had a newrelic module and a postgres module that each configure your server with packages, files, etc., you can automatically turn the following format:

MAKECONF_EB_MODULES = ['postgres', 'newrelic']

Into additional MAKECONF_MAP entries like so:

    '.ebextensions/01_postgres.config': 'postgres.tmpl',
    '.ebextensions/02_newrelic.config': 'newrelic.tmpl',

If MAKECONF_EB_MODULES is set, .ebextensions will be erased with each build.


Currently, there is one option which can be set using MAKECONF_OPTIONS:

  • executable_extensions - Files with extensions in this list will be created executable. Defaults to ['.sh'].


Assuming you have a TIER variable defined as 'qa' in your settings file and the following template,

FROM amazon/aws-eb-python:3.4.2-onbuild-3.5.1


ENV DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE config.settings.{{ settings.TIER }}


you could run

python makeconf

and {{ settings.TIER }} would be replaced with qa in the output file.

Template Tags

  • environ - The environ tag is used to get required variables from the shell environment:
    • To use it, first, load the makeconf template tags in your template:

        {% load makeconf %}
    • Then, use the tag in that template:


Shared Templates

If people use this, I could see shareable formats published for different services and needs. I'm currently using it to build Elastic Beanstalk and Docker configurations based on my Django settings, so I may end up publishing Django apps with names like django-makeconf-elasticbeanstalk-configure-proxy, or django-makeconf-eb-docker-settings-module, which would simply contain templates in their templates/ directories (plus a and a that included the template files). You'd be able to pip install those templates and use them directly in your MAKECONF_MAP.

Also, I'm totally open to contributions in that vein or pull requests / issues on this project.