
A photo/video/audio albums application for Django

pip install django-media-albums==0.1.0


Django Media Albums

This app is used to create albums consisting of any combination of the following:

  • Photos
  • Video files
  • Audio files

This app also optionally allows regular (non-staff) users to upload photos.

This app requires Django >= 1.8.


Step 1 of 5: Install the required packages

Install using pip:

pip install django-media-albums

If you will be using the templates that come with this app, also install these packages using pip:

pip install django-bootstrap-pagination sorl-thumbnail

If you will be allowing regular (non-staff) users to upload photos and will be using the upload.html template that comes with this app, also install the django-crispy-forms package using pip:

pip install django-crispy-forms

Step 2 of 5: Update

Make sure the following settings are all configured the way you want them in your


If you will be allowing regular (non-staff) users to upload photos, you will also need to have the DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL setting present in your (for the notification email that gets sent out when a user uploads a photo).

Add 'media_albums' to your INSTALLED_APPS:


If you will be using the templates that come with this app, also add the following to your INSTALLED_APPS:


If you will be allowing regular (non-staff) users to upload photos and will be using the upload.html template that comes with this app, also add 'crispy_forms' to your INSTALLED_APPS and make sure the CRISPY_TEMPLATE_PACK setting is configured the way you want it:



If you will be enabling audio and/or video and will be using the templates that come with this app, also enable the '' context processor:

        'OPTIONS': {
            'context_processors': [

Step 3 of 5: Update

Create a URL pattern in your

from django.conf.urls import include, url

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^media-albums/', include('media_albums.urls')),

Step 4 of 5: Add the database tables

Run the following command:

python migrate

Step 5 of 5: Update your project's base.html template (if necessary)

If you will be using the templates that come with this app, make sure your project has a base.html template and that it has these blocks:



To override any of the default settings, create a dictionary named MEDIA_ALBUMS in your with each setting you want to override. For example, if you wanted to enable audio and video, but leave all of the other settings alone, you would add this to your

    'audio_files_enabled': True,
    'video_files_enabled': True,

These are the settings:

photos_enabled (default: True)

When set to True, albums may contain photos.

audio_files_enabled (default: False)

When set to True, albums may contain audio files.

audio_files_format1_extension (default: 'mp3')

When an audio file is uploaded, the "Audio file 1" field must have this extension. This setting is only relevant if audio_files_enabled is set to True.

audio_files_format2_extension (default: 'ogg')

When an audio file is uploaded, the "Audio file 2" field must have this extension. This setting is only relevant if audio_files_enabled is set to True.

audio_files_format2_required (default: False)

When set to True, the "Audio file 2" field will be marked as required. This setting is only relevant if audio_files_enabled is set to True.

video_files_enabled (default: False)

When set to True, albums may contain video files.

video_files_format1_extension (default: 'mp4')

When an video file is uploaded, the "Video file 1" field must have this extension. This setting is only relevant if video_files_enabled is set to True.

video_files_format2_extension (default: 'webm')

When an video file is uploaded, the "Video file 2" field must have this extension. This setting is only relevant if video_files_enabled is set to True.

video_files_format2_required (default: False)

When set to True, the "Video file 2" field will be marked as required. This setting is only relevant if video_files_enabled is set to True.

user_uploaded_photos_enabled (default: False)

When set to True, regular (non-staff) users may upload photos. However, they still must be approved by a staff user.

user_uploaded_photos_login_required (default: True)

When set to True, regular (non-staff) users may only upload photos if they are logged in. This setting is only relevant if user_uploaded_photos_enabled is set to True.

user_uploaded_photos_album_name (default: 'User Photos')

When a staff user approves a photo uploaded by a regular (non-staff) user, the photo will be added to the album with this name. This setting is only relevant if user_uploaded_photos_enabled is set to True.

user_uploaded_photos_album_slug (default: 'user-photos')

When a staff user approves a photo uploaded by a regular (non-staff) user, the photo will be added to the album with this slug. This setting is only relevant if user_uploaded_photos_enabled is set to True.

paginate_by (default: 10)

This setting determines how many items can be on a single page. This applies to the list of albums as well as the list of items within albums.