
Utilities for pagination in Django templates

django, pagination
pip install django-pagination-plus==0.0.2



This template tag library is used for displaying pagination links in paginated Django views. It exposes a template tag {% paginationplus %} that will take care of iterating over the page numbers.


Add paginationplus to your INSTALLED_APPS in your settings.

At the start of the template for your paginated view, use the following to load the tag module:

{% load paginationplus %}

Then, at the position you want your pagination links to appear, use the following block tag.

{% paginationplus page_obj url_name url_arg1=... url_arg2=... %}
{% endpaginationplus %}

The first argument passed to the opening tag is the Page object of your paginated view. The remaining arguments are the same as the arguments passed to the built-in {% url %} tag, minus the argument that takes the value for the page number in the view, eg. page in the generic view ListView.

The block iterates over the page numbers available from the Paginator object associated with the Page object that is passed as the first argument to the opening tag.

The block's content is rendered once for each iteration, and within this block, a template variable named paginationplus is available.

This template variable exposes four attributes:

  • number The page number that is the subject of this iteration
  • url Contains the url of the page for the page number currently iterated over.
  • is_filler When this is True, the current iteration does not represent a page number, but instead represents a filler, ie. a hole in the sequence of page numbers. See below for more information.
  • is_current When this is True, the current iteration represents number of the page that is currently displayed in the view.

Single tag usage

An alternative to the block tag, is the following:

{% paginationplus page_obj url_name url_arg1=... url_arg2=... ... with 'template/name.html' %}

Using with in the tag indicates that the iteration will not occur in a block, but instead in the template that follows with. Within this template, the parent template's full context is available, with an added paginationplus variable. The template passed to the tag needn't be a string, any available template variable will do.


By default, paginationplus will support displaying the links for the first, previous, current, next, and last page. For instance, if you have a paginated view with 99 pages, and the current page is page 30, the following sequence will be iterated over: [1, None, 29, 30, 31, None, 99]. Suppose the current page is page 3, the sequence will be [1, 2, 3, 4, None, 99].

In the above sequences, the None values represent a hole in the page number sequence, and for these holes, the paginationplus template variable will have its is_filler attribute set to True, the number and url attributes will be set to None, and is_current will be set to False.

To disable this behavior, and iterate over all available page numbers, you can set the PAGINATIONPLUS_CONTIGUOUS setting to True in your project's settings.

To control the number of page numbers before and after the current page that will be iterated over, you can set the PAGINATIONPLUS_MAX_DISTANCE option.

For instance, when PAGINATIONPLUS_MAX_DISTANCE is set to 2, the following sequence will be iterated over when the number of pages is 99 and the current page is 30: [1, None, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, None, 99]. And when the current page is 3, the sequence will be [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, None, 99].


Suppose you use a generic ListView in your application that exposes a list of objects of the Item model. Let's have a look at a possible urlconf:

from django.conf.urls import patterns, url
from django.views.generic import ListView

from exampleapp import models

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    # ...
    url(r'^items/(?:page/(?P<page>\d+)/)?$', ListView.as_view(
    ), name='show_my_items'),

The part that displays the items in the items.html template could then look like this:

{# items.html #}

{# ... stuff ... #}

<ul class="items">
  {% for item in object_list %}
    <li>{{item}}</li> {# or something else to display the item #}
  {% endfor %}

<ul class="pagination">
  {% paginationplus page_obj show_my_items %}
    {% if paginationplus.is_filler %}
    {% else %}
      <li class="{% if paginationplus.is_current %}current{% endif %}">
        <a href="{{paginationplus.url}}">{{paginationplus.number}}</a>
    {% endif %}
  {% endpaginationplus %}

{# ... stuff ... #}

When this view is visited by a user, the HTML will look something like this:

<ul class="items">
    <li>Item 1</li>
    <li>Item 2</li>
    <li>Item 3</li>
    <li>Item 4</li>
    <li>Item 5</li>

<ul class="pagination">
  <li class="current">
    <a href="/items/page/1/">1</a>
  <li class="">
    <a href="/items/page/2/">2</a>
  <li class="">
    <a href="/items/page/20/">20</a>

Another possibility for displaying a page link is to use the following in the template instead of the <a> tag and its contents:


This will output an anchor tag containing the page number, with its href attribute set to the page's URL.